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[临床医学知识] 转帖医学史集锦——1902年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主罗斯

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罗纳德·罗斯作为CCG爵士的儿子出生,1857年5月13日罗斯,通用在英国军队。圣巴塞洛缪医院于1875年在伦敦,他开始学医,于1881年进入印度的医疗服务。他于1892年开始研究疟疾。在1894年,他决心使印度的假设的拉韦兰和曼森,蚊子传播的疾病与实验研究。经过2年半的失败,罗斯成功地证明蚊子疟疾寄生虫的生命周期,从而建立假说的拉韦兰曼森。 1899年他加盟利物浦热带医学学院的指导下,阿尔弗雷德·琼斯爵士。他立即派人到西非继续他的调查,他发现种类的蚊子,传达出的是致命的非洲热。从那时起,学校一直不懈的努力,以改善健康,特别是要减少疟疾在西非。罗斯的研究已经确认,并协助许多杰出的机构,特别是由科赫,丹尼尔斯,比尼亚米,切利,Christophers,斯蒂芬斯,安耐特,奥斯丁,卢格吉曼,和许多其他。
在1901年,罗斯被选为皇家学院院士,英国的外科医生和英国皇家学会院士,他成为副总统,1911年至1913年。 1902年,他被任命为大不列颠国王陛下巴斯大多数议员订购了伴侣。他在1911年被提升到同一命令骑士指挥官军衔。在比利时,他做了官员利奥波德二世在订单。
1902年,定于足部运动,以纪念建国大学热带医学主席与学校连接,提供有价值的服务,其发起人和主席,阿尔弗雷德·琼斯爵士,热带医学学院。运动会见了热情的支持,并迅速收集足够的金额热带医学发现“阿尔弗雷德·琼斯爵士主席”。罗斯被任命为教授于1902年,保留了主席,直至1912年,当他离开利物浦,并获委任医生,伦敦国王学院医院后,他在利物浦热带卫生与主席一起举行热带病。他留在这些职位,直到1917年,当他被任命为顾问Malariology战争办公室,他的服务在这方面的能力,并在特殊的连接与疟疾流行,那么发生在作战部队,他的海拔被认可的骑士指挥官军衔圣迈克尔和圣乔治,在1918年。他后来被任命疟疾养老金部的顾问。 1926年,他就任罗斯研究所和医院热带病与卫生的崇拜者,他的工作,已创建的行政总监,他留在这个位置上,直到他去世。他也是一个热带医学学会主席。他的回忆录(伦敦,1923年)“刻着到瑞典和阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔的记忆的人»。


Ronald Ross was born on May 13, 1857, as the son of Sir C.C.G. Ross, a General in the English army. He commenced the study of medicine at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London in 1875; entered the Indian Medical Service in 1881. He commenced the study of malaria in 1892. In 1894 he determined to make an experimental investigation in India of the hypothesis of Laveran and Manson that mosquitoes are connected with the propagation of the disease. After two and a half years' failure, Ross succeeded in demonstrating the life-cycle of the parasites of malaria in mosquitoes, thus establishing the hypothesis of Laveran and Manson. In 1899 he joined the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine under the direction of Sir Alfred Jones. He was immediately sent to West Africa to continue his investigations, and there he found the species of mosquitoes which convey the deadly African fever. Since then the School has been unremitting in its efforts to improve health, and especially to reduce the malaria in West Africa. Ross' researches have been confirmed and assisted by many distinguished authorities, especially by Koch, Daniels, Bignami, Celli, Christophers, Stephens, Annett, Austen, Ruge, Ziemann, and many others.
In 1901 Ross was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and also a Fellow of the Royal Society, of which he became Vice-President from 1911 to 1913. In 1902 he was appointed a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of Bath by His Majesty the King of Great Britain. In 1911 he was elevated to the rank of Knight Commander of the same Order. In Belgium, he was made an Officer in the Order of Leopold II.
In 1902 a movement was set on foot to commemorate the valuable services rendered to the School of Tropical Medicine by its originator and Chairman, Sir Alfred Jones, by founding a Chair of Tropical Medicine in University College to be connected with the School. The movement was met with enthusiastic support, and an amount of money was quickly collected sufficient to found «Sir Alfred Jones' Chair of Tropical Medicine». Ross was appointed to the Professorship in 1902 and retained the Chair until 1912, when he left Liverpool, and was appointed Physician for Tropical Diseases at Kings College Hospital, London, a post which he held together with the Chair of Tropical Sanitation in Liverpool. He remained in these posts until 1917, when he was appointed Consultant in Malariology to the War Office, his service in this capacity, and in special connection with epidemic malaria then occurring on combatant troops, being recognized by his elevation to the rank of Knight Commander, St. Michael and St. George, in 1918. He was later appointed Consultant in Malaria to the Ministry of Pensions. In 1926 he assumed the post of Director in Chief of the Ross Institute and Hospital of Tropical Diseases and Hygiene, which had been created by admirers of his work, and he remained in this position until his death. He was also a President of the Society of Tropical Medicine. His Memoirs (London, 1923) were «inscribed to the people of Sweden and the memory of Alfred Nobel».
During this active career, Ross' interest lay mainly in the initiation of measures for the prevention of malaria in different countries of the world. He carried out surveys and initiated schemes in many places, including West Africa, the Suez Canal zone, Greece, Mauritius, Cyprus, and in the areas affected by the 1914-1918 war. He also initiated organizations, which have proved to be well established, for the prevention of malaria within the planting industries of India and Ceylon. He made many contributions to the epidemiology of malaria and to methods of its survey and assessment, but perhaps his greatest was the development of mathematical models for the study of its epidemiology, initiated in his report on Mauritius in 1908, elaborated in his Prevention of Malaria in 1911 and further elaborated in a more generalized form in scientific papers published by the Royal Society in 1915 and 1916. These papers represented a profound mathematical interest which was not confined to epidemiology, but led him to make material contributions to both pure and applied mathematics. Those related to «pathometry» are best known and, 40 years later, constitute the basis of much of the epidemiological understanding of insect-borne diseases.
Through these works Ross continued his great contribution in the form of the discovery of the transmission of malaria by the mosquito, but he also found time and mental energy for many other pursuits, being poet, playwright, writer and painter. Particularly, his poetic works gained him wide acclamation which was independent of his medical and mathematical standing.
He received many honours in addition to the Nobel Prize, and was given Honorary Membership of learned societies of most countries of Europe, and of many other continents. He got an honorary M.D. degree in Stockholm in 1910 at the centenary celebration of the Caroline Institute. Whilst his vivacity and single-minded search for truth caused friction with some people, he enjoyed a vast circle of friends in Europe, Asia and America who respected him for his personality as well as for his genius.
Ross married Rosa Bessie Bloxam in 1889. They had two sons, Ronald and Charles, and two daughters, Dorothy and Sylvia. His wife died in 1931, Ross survived her until a year later, when he died after a long illness, at the Ross Institute, London, on September 16, 1932.

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