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  • Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live. 没有价值的人活着只是为了吃喝;而有价值的人吃喝只是为了活着。 回复
  • You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. 站在海边望着水是不可能让你穿越大海的。 回复
  • What's your favorite cuisine? I like Cantonese cuisine, with special sauces and condiments. Steaming and stir-frying are two most favored cooking methods. 回复
  • My favorite pastime is sipping a cup of cappuccino and diving into music. When it's hot in the summer, a bottle of frappuccino really hits the spot. 回复
  • Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. 真相,必将与日月同辉。 回复
  • Don't be so stingy. You're a real penny-pincher. It's better giving than taking. 回复
  • I love the 10th anniversary special edition iPhone X. It represents future trend of technology. It's all screen, edge to edge, top to bottom, so immersive. Maybe only minus is price and availability. 回复
  • Music is the language of your emotions. So I've got different playlists with songs of a variety of genres from Hip-Hop to Classical, Jazz to Rock & Roll. Who is your favorite songwriter? 回复
  • At McDonald's, I usually order a Big Mac, with French Fries and a large cup of Coke. Chicken McWrap is also one of my favorites. And for dessert, I love strawberry sundae or ice cream cone. 回复
  • That's too bad my favorite team didn't make it to finals. They got eliminated from the qualifiers. 太惨了,我最爱的球队没能打进决赛。他们在预赛中被淘汰了。 回复
  • For breakfast, I prefer sunny-side up eggs or over easy, but my mom always just gives me boiled eggs. At least I'd like to go with the scrambled eggs. How do you like your eggs? 回复
  • When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. 如果这件事足够重要,哪怕成功的几率很小,你也会愿意试一试。 回复
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绕口令 Tongue twister 2017-09-22
Good better best, never let it rest. Till your good is better, and your better best. Sit a bit. Sit still till kill the fly. Six little kittens lost ...
跟品酒师Sommelier踏上品酒之旅 2017-09-22
I'm gonna take you through kind of the wine tasting one-on-one, the things that you will do when you taste wine. So the first thing is you actually ju ...
如何提高食欲? 2017-09-21
Today I have a quick tip for increasing your appetite. The tip is very simple-be proactive, not reactive. When you're proactive, or structured, so you ...
关于在餐厅订位与等位的那些小技巧 2017-09-20
Getting a table can be difficult- unless, of course, you know the right way to go about it. Charm, contacts and tipping well are the key to getting a ...
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Fast food chain McDonald’s is going upmarket. Its latest ploy is to try to appeal to the coffee cognoscenti. McDonald’s says it’s upgrading t ...
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The story we are going to tell you today is a great Chinese classic called Journey to the West, affectionately known as Monkey King. It's actually ba ...


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北方的狼 2018-4-4 10:32
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时    间:2017年11月06日-08日
联系人:销售部石春荷189 5289 0278
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