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面对新形势,跨国制药企业与中国本土企业作为新的国际合作分工的参与者,无论是在国际市场还是中国本土市场,都要承担企业发展、服务人类健康的重大责任。如何在竞合共赢格局下实现双方利益最大化,同时创造医药行业发展的最大利益,是全行业共同关注的重点。在第一模块,医保商会副会长孟冬平与辉瑞公司中国区总经理吴晓滨博士、浙江海正药业股份有限公司战略与管理委员会主任朱康勤、绿叶制药集团副总裁姜华、浙江九洲药业股份有限公司常务副总经理杨海峰、正大制药集团总裁徐晓阳、世界卫生组织Milan Smid 先生等嘉宾就全球医药产业生态系统新特征与中国企业国际化进程再造,跨国企业生产、研发外包与中国企业后发优势培育,印度与中国企业的竞合格局及其对全球医药产业发展的深刻影响等议题展开了热烈讨论。
我国医药产业正与世界融为一体,成为推动国际医药产业发展的重要力量,并已经成为最富增长潜力的大市场之一。如何在改革中发展,在竞争中崛起,是行业人士需要共同探讨研究的问题。医保商会副会长许铭与中国外商投资企业协会药品研制和开发行业委员会执行总裁卓永清先生、江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司全球业务拓展部执行总监刘铭、中国医药企业管理协会会长于明德、上海复星医药(集团)股份有限公司高级副总裁李东久、中国医药对外贸易公司总经理严兵、礼来中国政府与公司事务副总裁陈怡、中国美国商会主席Gregory Gilligan、联合博姿集团医药批发部(联合保健)制造厂商关系总监John Kallend在第二模块中就步入深水区的中国医疗体制改革对内外资企业发展的影响,跨国企业对中国医药市场的战略布局及与本土企业的关系演变,中外企业在中国医药产业结构升级中的角色功能等进行了思想碰撞。
Reconstruction of the Value Chain
-Chinese and World pharmaceutical CEOs gathered on China-World CEO Summit
On June 24, China-World CEO Summit, organized by China Chamber of Commerce for Imp.& Exp. of Medicines and Health Products and UBM Live, was held in Shanghai. The theme of the summit is Reconstruction of the Value Chain of the Chinese and World Pharmaceutical Industry.
The Twelfth Five-Year plan and new healthcare reform policies are starting to take shape in China. The Chinese pharmaceutical industry will embrace a bigger market scale, more innovation and improved standards on new drug development, clinical trials and drug production. As China is more integrated into international distribution of labor, it will add more value to the pharmaceutical industrial chain.
As was rightly pointed out by President Ni Rulin in his opening remark on CEO Summit, the global pharmaceutical landscape is undergoing profound changes as the market keeps expanding, product and services more diversified, mergers and acquisitions more frequent, and pharmaceutical cooperation patterns evolves constantly. Pharmaceutical industry is one of the earliest industries in China to be opened to the outside world. Integration, innovation, cooperation and fusion will become the theme of the new era. As the Chinese and foreign companies compete with each other, they will jointly reshape the global pharmaceutical value chain. Now the Chinese pharmaceutical industry is placed at an important stage of transformation, which means that it will be significant to make full use of opportunities and push up the industrial upgrading.
The aim of the summit is to set up a platform of exchanges for CEOs to discussing hot topics, get updated on the latest information, laws and regulations, explore pathways for the future, and sustain health business and progress for the industry.
This year's CEO summit explores two modules, one addresses "The Reposition of Chinese and Foreign Enterprises in the Value Chain of the Global Pharmaceutical Industry", and the other focuses on "Market Layout and Features of Global Pharmaceutical Industry & Internalization of Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprises".
Under new development circumstances, both Chinese companies and multinationals based in China should play a role to develop business and serve for human health. Maximizing profits while creating the biggest value for the industry is an issue of great concern. In Module one, Vice President Meng Dongping of CCCMHPIE, Country Manager Dr. Xiaobing Wu of Pfizer China, Head of Strategy& Management Committee Mr. Kangqin Zhu of Zhejiang Hisun Pharma. Co.,Ltd, Vice President Ms. Hua Jiang of LuyePharma Group, Chief Officer Mr. Haifeng Yang of Zhejiang Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., President Xiaoyang Xu of Chia Tai Group, and WHO Technical Officer Mr. Miland Smid will present at the summit. They will provide their insights into global pharmaceutical ecosystem, internationalization of Chinese companies, outsourcing and late-development of Chinese companies, co-competition between Multinational companies and Chinese local companies as well as their impact on global pharmaceutical landscape.
The Chinese pharmaceutical industry is an integral part of that of the world, a driving force for future pharmaceutical industry development, and one of the most promising market. It is significant to discuss how to develop in reform and rise above competition. Vice President Xu Ming of CCCMHPIE, Managing Director Joseph Cho of RDPAC, Head of Global Business Development Mr. Mike Liu of Jiangsu Heng Rui Medicine Co., Ltd, President YU Mingde of Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprises Association, Vice President LI Dongjiu of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. , President Yan Bing of China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Corporation, Vice President Vivian Chen of Lilly China, Executive Director Mr. Zhou Jun of Healthcare Cooperation Program of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, Director John Kallend of Manufacturer Relations, Alliance Healthcare Division of Alliance Boots, among others, joined us in Module Two. Their shared their thoughts on topics including the influence of deep-water reform of the Chinese healthcare reform on Chinese and foreign companies, strategic planning of multinational companies in the Chinese pharmaceutical market and relationship with Chinese companies, different roles of Chinese and foreign companies in upgrading process of Chinese pharmaceutical industry.
Over 200 people, including CEOs, experts, third-party organization representatives, and the media made presence on the summit.