本帖最后由 beiwei5du 于 2017-10-12 09:11 编辑
1、关于设备是否有编号的问题,在preamble中也有提到过,比如公司只有一台板框压滤器(后者只有一台某一个型号的板框压滤器),那么这个板框压滤器也可以不编号,可以采取使用名字进行代替即可。但是我个人认为,为了后期扩展性以及书写的简便性,比如后期又增加了一台相同型号的板框压滤器,个人还是建议使用设备编号的,这个也是一种industry best practice,并且操作起来不难(虽然不是法规要求)。
2、关于使用设备运行状态标识这种临时性的标识,其目的不在于追溯性(追溯性可以通过设备使用日志log来体现),其主要作用是标识“当时设备状态”,这个应该算作一种industry best practice或者5S的管理要求(虽然不是法规要求)。如果没有这些标识,实际生产中是很难以清晰明了的了解的(特别是在针对multi-use或者multi-purpose的设备,在多批次同时在一个equipment train生产时,相关的操作人员和监控人员是很难从整体上系统了解生产状态的,会很容易出现错误的,我想如果有这种实际生产经验的话,应该很容易体会到的,这也是一种风险控制的策略)。当然如果某一个设备仅仅用于一个产品product且用于一个工序unit operation(纯化)且用于一个步骤step(第二次纯化),并且生产模式采取batch after batch的模式或者连续生产(continuous manufacturing)的模式,其实在这种情况下个人认为也可以不使用设备运行状态标识。
3、针对于清洁状态标识这种临时性标识(待清洁,清洁中,已清洁,同时还要标识上上次生产的产品/清洗目标残留物),我个人认为如果采用设备链equipment train清洗记录的话,还是按照2中所提的方式进行操作。如果是使用单个设备清洗记录(模块化清洁)的话,表面上看可以通过现场清洁记录替代清洁状态标识,但是需要注意,设备清洁完后,清洁记录和现场设备本身是分离的,同时清洁状态标识中有一个很重要的信息是“上次生产的产品/清洗目标残留物”(以用于某一通过排产规避清洁程序的策略),如果没有清洁状态标识,是很容易出现问题的,而且操作会麻烦的。
下文选自FDA PART 211以及preamle
§211.182 Equipment cleaning and use log.
A written record of major equipment cleaning, maintenance (except routine maintenance such as lubrication and adjustments), and use shall be included in individual equipment logs that show the date, time, product, and lot number of each batch processed. If equipment is dedicated to manufacture of one product, then individual equipment logs are not required, provided that lots or batches of such product follow in numerical order and are manufactured in numerical sequence. In cases where dedicated equipment is employed, the records of cleaning, maintenance, and use shall be part of the batch record. The persons performing and double-checking the cleaning and maintenance (or, if the cleaning and maintenance is performed using automated equipment under §211.68, just the person verifying the cleaning and maintenance done by the automated equipment) shall date and sign or initial the log indicating that the work was performed. Entries in the log shall be in chronological order.
180. One comment objected to the requirement in 211.67(c) for making the maintenance and cleaning records a part of the equipment use log (as required in 211.182) because the information is readily available in batch records. The Commissioner rejects this comment. The intent of the record retention requirement is that cleaning and maintenance records be readily identifiable with equipment usage in the event of a problem where drug products must be investigated. Where the same equipment is used for a number of different drug products, for example, cleaning and maintenance records may not be easily retrieved. Section 211.182 in the final regulations provides, however, that individual equipment logs are not required where equipment is dedicated to the manufacture of one product and the batches are manufactured in numerical sequence.