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[数据完整性] “数据完整性27道问答”的点评

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以下文章来源于 海螺研习社

最近国内GMP大大小小的群内流传着一份关于数据完整性的问答,问答来源于ECA“数据可靠性网络课程”对学员提问的问题的回答,具体因为ECA新闻稿可以参阅下文,感兴趣的朋友还可以在网上注册ECA的新闻稿,他们会定期发送欧美GMP的相关新闻给大家)作者Dr. Wolfgang Schumacher,有30余年的制药行业经验,不少转载和翻译方的评价是“他的这些回答可以作为大家实践问题的参考,分享给大家”云云。


Question 1:Are the analytical data arising in the course of the validation of analytical procedures critical data?
Answer: No, since these data are released with the completion of the validation process and it only presents the basis for future analyses. Therefore there is only an indirect criticality; no audit trail review is required.

Question 2:The calibration of equipment influences the correctness of data. Does this mean that the calibration is critical?
Answer: Since the calibration influences the patient safety only indirectly no audit trail review is required

问答1和2或许会有人不重视的另一个原因可能是到目前为止,美国FDA也好欧洲官方检查也好,都没有对方法验证阶段和仪器校验阶段的数据完整性进行审核的例子。我们基于“科学”和“常识”的判断认为对于QC实验室来说,根据数据影响的范围大小,我们建议企业按照 仪器校验数据【影响面是多产品多方法】比方法验证【单一产品但是该产品的所有批次】数据重要,方法验证数据比稳定性数据【单一产品但是一段时间段的所有批次】重要,稳定性数据比批放行数据【单一产品单一批次】重要的原则来评估自己的数据完整性风险大小,关于这点,我们欢迎大家的商榷。
Question 3a:Practical example:   What about a reactor control from production that has neither user management nor a password or an audit trail etc.? Is it allowed to continue using this   control?
Answer: It is definitively recommended to   plan a replacement. The time of replacement depends on the product   manufactured with the reactor. This defines the criticality.

海螺研习社观点:理论上,这点我们和欧洲专家的观点一致。在官方参与的培训中,US FDA和EDQM也曾经提到过对于生产用PLC权限管理,审计追踪等方面的要求,并有展出他们在检查中发现的相关缺陷的图片。但是实际上不论是制剂还是原料药的生产设备的数据完整性,目前实践操作中,欧美官方对于这些数据的审核力度还不能和QC实验室相提并论。其实践的力度有待于药监当局的监管力度,我们将密切关注其监管进展。
Question 3b:Practical example: What about a reactor control from production that has neither user management nor a password or an audit trail etc.? (The control concerned is the control of a reactor which is used for the manufacture of intermediates and APIs but not of final products). Is it allowed to continue using this control or does  it have to be withdrawn from use?
Answer: Thank you for clarifying the question. I do not think it is necessary to replace the reactor control immediately if it is used for the production of an intermediate. Recommendation: Assess all systems and equipment and arrange them according to priority classes (for instance by using a rather simple FMEA). This is used to define when to deal with the priority classes, for example Prio 1= until the end of 2017, Prio 2=until the end of 2018 etc…

海螺研习社观点:这点我们的意见和欧洲专家一致。但是我们要强调的是,在执行层面我们还是建议原料药企业采用人工纸质记录。FDA从2002年开始推行PAT技术(Process Analysis Technology, 工艺分析技术),但是至今由于化学反应本身的特性和复杂性,这一技术在业界的推广并不顺利。对于那些DCS系统应用较广的发酵控制工艺,洁净区温湿度控制计算机系统,我们的建议是人工纸质记录作为主要的正式记录反而有利于现场检查的顺利进行(当然你的计算机系统的数据不能和你的人工记录相互矛盾或冲突)。
Question 4: Is the audit trail review prior to the release of each batch a regulatory requirement or is it only recommended so far?
Answer: Annex 11 requires the audit trail review. Inspectors consider the release of batches to be the most critical process of all.

海螺研习社观点:我们支持欧洲顾问的观点,虽然类似的问题US FDA的官员在北美相关主题的培训时并没有明确表示“周期性审核”是“批批审核”。(也可以参见本文后的参考文献的规定)但是实际操作中,我们发现美国FDA的检察官如果现场提出来“是否有进行数据完整性审核”的时候,他们期望看到的是每批放行时有QA进行审核。尤其是系统刚刚建立之初,相关的数据完整性审核我们期望企业做到每批放行时进行。考虑到审计追踪的数据量极大,其中包括了很多非关键的数据,如果对于所有数据都一直由人工进行审核意义不大,并会极大地占用有限的人力资源。比较现实的操作方式是,这一模式运行一段时间(例如三个月或者半年)之后,企业可以根据审核过程中发现的问题多少,问题的性质,以及涉及的产品进行归类分析,按照风险等级进行评估。根据所用软件的特性,按照风险评估的结果,对于关键性的审计追踪数据保持每批放行前进行审核,对于其它非关键审计追踪数据定期进行抽查审核(例如将每批审核降低到多少批次审核一次或是多少时间审核一次)。当然相关的规定需要有SOP的支持,也需要有变更流程的控制,规定放行审核和定期抽查审核的具体方法。
Question 5: Hybrid systems: No audit trail retrofitting  possible. What can be done?
Answer: First of all I would clarify all other criteria (access, user/admin profile, safety). How critical is this data? Plan a replacement according to the classification of the criticality (= priority) if the data is critical.

Question 6: Role concept: Is a user allowed to carry out a reintegration? (GC-system)
Answer: As far as I can see, the answer to this is 'no'. This should first be authorized by the Head of Laboratory stating the reason.

Question 7: It is difficult to carry out the separation between the persons of administrator and user in the CDS. Is it possible that the admin and the user being the same person?
Answer:This is possible but it needs to be described in a SOP.

Question 8: Process validation data are category 3 data - therefore no audit trail review is required. But isn't it required to carry out a review for the generation of validation measuring data?
Answer: As you have stated correctly, validation data have the criticality of category 3. It is very unlikely that the user will carry out changes since there is no reason for falsification - in contrast to the batch release.

Question 9: Hello, is it useful to review the "windows event viewer" for GxP devices?
Answer: This is a good idea but it will probably not be realistic as too many events would be reported. Its use would anyway only be worth considering for systems which save data locally, and thank God this isn't done by many modern systems anymore.

海螺研习社观点:基于我们对微软“Windows事件查看器”的了解,它是为了计算机Windows系统安全而建立的,所以它本身的默认设置仅仅记录的是Windows系统安全相关的事件,如系统时间更改,应用软件登陆登出异常的相关信息,以及用户信息等事件。对于应用软件内部的具体功能的具体操作、数据处理、数据备份和审核并不进行记录。举个例子来说,对于empower 3软件的登陆登出以及异常报错,事件查看器是记录的,但是empower 3中具体project的创建、修改、删除、备份,以及具体分析方法的创建/修改/删除/备份,事件查看器是没有具体的记录的。所以对于不少公司采用单机版控制的时候单纯设定事件查看器的权限来试图实现”全面审计”(audit trail)的功能,我们都认为是不合适的。实际操作中不少IR/UV/比旋光/颗粒度仪都存在这一问题,都需要用户高度重视。我们看到有些软件试图通过更改事件查看器的默认设置,在事件查看器上增加模块来实现全面审计追踪,但是实际操作中会出现各种缺陷和问题。出现问题的原因请参见10a问题中我们的观点。这个欧洲专家显然对这一问题的认知是不够的。
Question 10a: Must the report for a riew of the audit trail be generated by the system itself? Or is it possible to use another system which is better suited for carrying out analyses?
Answer: Strictly speaking, the audit trail must be generated by the system itself ("system generated audit trail"). Which other system do you have in   mind?

海螺研习社观点:结合10b的问题,我们不认为提问题的人理解什么是“audit trail”,但是从侧面我们也要注意,往往审计追踪功能是不能简单用软件补丁实现的。这点其实很好理解,在开发软件的时候如果一开始没有想好要将相关的代码执行自动捕捉并自动记录的话,后续补丁是很难实现这一基础功能的。在这里,我们不由自主的向Waters表达下敬意,他们的empower 3软件实现的功能不能不说是业内翘楚,其功能之强大和基础数据的审计追踪功能之强大真的是解释了什么叫做“全面”,进行过Empower 3软件计算机验证的同行应该会有共鸣。
Question 10b: I think, I did not express myself very clearly when asking the question: Is it only reviewed whether the process is still functioning in the course of the periodic reviews - hence, if the audit trail data is still recorded? Meaning: Functionality is documented by IT with a few samples.
Answer: Very correct!

Question 11: May the Head of Laboratory have admin rights for example to carry out the audit trail review?
Answer: Yes, as long as she/he does not operationally process analyses herself/himself.

Question 12: Is it possible for a user to have two system accounts? One as a user and one as administrator or reviewer?
Answer: Yes, in small organisational units. Guarantee by means of an SOP that the admin account will NOT be used operationally.

Question 13: Do you know a system that fulfils all requirements for the audit trail function of a CDS?
Answer: So far there are hardly any systems on the market which allow to carry out the review with a minimum effort. Unfortunately, this is also true for modern systems as Empower 3.
答:截止目前,市场上几乎没有任何系统可以不费吹灰之力就执行审核。不幸的是,先进如Empower 3的系统也是这样。

海螺研习社观点:的确目前市场上符合要求的CDS系统是没有的。但是说empower 3不符合要求,这点我们是不同意的,实际empower 3是我们看到的最能符合所有要求的系统了。要注意的是,单机版存在的缺陷在网络版中是可以被弥补的。Empower 3的system audit trail功能其实弥补了不少单纯functional audit trail 的功能。我们提醒那些使用单机版的国内用户,选择性的备份单机版数据并不安全,因为empower 3 的system audit trail 会记录所有的系统创建/备份/删除project的信息。安捷伦/岛津/变色龙的软件体系中的“system audit trail”信息并不存在这样的记录,从而可以选择备份数据,所以单机版都存在一定的缺陷。
Question 14: File based data retention: Deletion is possible
  outside the software. How is it possible to "build in" safety?
Answer: Yes, in systems that can store locally on the HD of the user it is possible to set up two local user profiles. Then, for instance, the system stores data only on the profile the user cannot access.

海螺研习社观点:这次我们赞成这位欧洲专家的观点,实际上我们对于很多单机版的软件数据备份和数据锁定都是利用WIN 7的这一功能去实现的,这也是我们常规说的”硬盘锁定”,类似的我们还会对单机版系统进行”时间锁定”来防止操作软件时间的恶意串改。对于带有服务器的网络版而言,这一问题由于授权级别的不同被轻松解决了。
Question 15: What are metadata?
Answer: Data concerning data, such as the timestamp.

Metadata is data that describe the attributes of other data, and provide context and meaning. Typically, these are data that describe the structure, data elements, inter-relationships and other characteristics of data. It also permits data to be attributable to an individual.
元数据是指表述其他数据属性的数据,提供语境和含义。一般来说,这些数据描述数据的结构、数据要素、内在关系和其他数据特性。它还允许数据追溯到产生数据的个人。比如 氯化钠批号12343.5mg J.Smith 01/07/14 [斜体部分就是元数据]
Question 16: What are manufacturing execution systems?
Answer: Process control systems.

Question 17: What do you do with legacy equipment? If no audit trail is available or if "user login" is not possible?
Answer: The systems have to be replaced in the short or in the long run - according to the risks.

Question 18: Equipment often has a standard audit trail function. A lot of data is recorded (on/off), but only a small part of it is critical or relevant for a review. What is the best way to proceed when carrying out a review?
Answer: The best way is to configure a report that only shows the critical data but leaves out all the unnecessary elements (such as login/logout). But this has to be programmed and is expensive.

海螺研习社观点:问问题的人不了解什么是全面审计追踪功能“audit trail”,将简单的日志和这个功能画了等号。这个欧洲专家关于审计追踪数据的选择性审核是可取的。目前的实验室分析软件都具有“筛选”的功能,可以定向审核数据的创建、修改和删除等信息,减少了工作量又不用增加成本。但是,生产设备采用自动化设备的话,相关的数据完整性投入是很大的。这也是我们目前不建议国内企业轻易上自动化生产设备的原因,当然,一定要上,那么就必须要求设备提供商进行符合数据完整性的所有功能的软件并进行符合规范的计算机系统验证服务。
Question 19: What is the way to proceed in the case of facilities in the production area such as AP production, mixers, filling lines with variable parameters as concerns classification of data/systems, extent and intervals of review?
Answer: It is best to classify systems and facilities according to
  ISA95. Then you will notice that at the bottom levels (field level, PLC,
  SCADA) no interactions of the user are permitted. Hence no audit trail review is required. Basis is the risk analysis of the systems and data.

Question 20: Whose job is it to carry out the audit trial review in the laboratory?
Answer: This can be a colleague. The FDA requires "Quality Unit" (=QA) in the Draft Guideline. All other Draft Guidelines allow for a peer review.

海螺研习社观点:实际操作中和FDA 现场检查中的期望是由QA进行审核。需要提醒下,对于历史数据的不符合数据完整性的审核,FDA甚至期望的是没有利益冲突的部门或独立第三方进行审核,以确保审核的客观性。

Question 21: Must all electronic data be stored and archived in the case of a process in the sterile area or is the batch record sufficient?
Answer: You must define what the raw data are. These have to be stored in addition to the batch record.

Question 22: Would you consider changes of the parameters /formulations at production facilities as dynamic data? Do I have to consider them at every batch?
Answer: This data is governed by the change control and is not part of the data for a review.

Question 23: Many of our production processes are documented by means of a batch record on paper. What should we do as concerns the review of the audit trail? Should we review the good documentation practice in the batch record by means of an audit trail review?
Answer: As long as you only document on paper the audit trail review is not relevant for you, but the 4-eyes-principle for all critical steps. The following is stated in the FDA Guidelines: "Critical process steps have to be verified by a second individual".

Question 24: Dynamic data <-> static data. A small filtration facility (pressure measurement/ flow measurement/temperature) with a locally installed SCADA system would then rather deliver static data?
Answer: That's correct. Static data as the user is not able to change the data.

海螺研习社观点:根据FDA的相关指南中的解释和定义,所谓静态数据指的是固定的数据记录,例如纸质记录以及电子图片记录;而动态数据指的是任何允许用户和记录内容发生交互关系的记录格式,例如动态的图谱记录允许使用者修改基线并对图谱数据进行再处理,这样报告出来的峰可能会显示更大或更小(这个意义上说HPLC/GC图谱都属于这类性质的数据)。另一个例子就是可以允许用户修改公式的表单记录工具,用于计算收率或其他测试结果信息的记录。换句话来说,静态数据是指用户无法和系统进行互动,对原始数据进行再处理的情况;而动态数据是指用户可以根据自己的判断和需要对原始数据进行再处理以后再报告出来的数据。FDA的指南请参考以下链接:https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Dr ... ances/UCM495891.pdf
Question 25: Batch records are considered to be carriers of raw data for the documentation of processes. What about trend data that have been printed and enclosed to the batch record?
Answer: I do not consider it necessary to always review trend data.

Question 26: Slide 9: What do you include in systems and equipment?
Answer: Everything that has to be validated and qualified?

Question 27: Is it necessary to perform an audit trail review (ATR) after each measurement/ analysis carried out at the equipment in the laboratory? Who carries out the ATR - laboratory personnel (operator) or the Head of the Laboratory?

Answer: A SOP is required for the ATR for each system that describes the details. The review after completion of the analysis is important.



Important Questions and Answers concerning the Audit Trail Review
Actually, the topic "data integrity" has moved into the focus of many national and international inspections. The American FDA has sent many Warning Letters concerning comprehensive deviations observed. Therefore the regulatory authorities request not only an assurance of the product quality but they also demand that each company has a clear strategy how the integrity of critical data can be assured over its complete life cycle. Here, the review of the audit trail plays a decisive role. Despite the numerous guidelines published on this topic since 2015 it often remains unclear which requirements exist concerning the audit trail review and how they can be implemented in practice.
For this reason the Webinar "Audit Trail Review" was carried out in February 2017. Its aim was to address the main elements of data integrity and audit trail reviews:
  • Regulatory overview with emphasis on the requirements of MHRA and Annex 11
  • Classification of data - which are critical data?
  • Classification of systems - which systems are relevant?
  • What Audit Trails are important?
  • What shall I do with legacy systems without audit trail?
  • Who shall review Audit Trails?  
  • How is the review documented?   
  • Process and documentation in case of deviations?

Dr. Wolfgang Schumacher has been the speaker. He looks back on more than 30 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry.
He has received more than 50 questions concerning the webinar. Naturally, he could not reply to all them immediately after the webinar. Thankfully, Dr. Schuhmacher has answered all questions in writing. Hereinafter you find the first part of the questions and answers. A further selection is planned for a later time.
1. Are the analytical data arising in the course of the validation of analytical procedures critical data?
Answer: No, since these data are released with the completion of the validation process and it only presents the basis for future analyses.
Therefore there is only an indirect criticality; no audit trail review is required.
2. The calibration of equipment influences the correctness of data. Does this mean that the calibration is critical?
Answer: Since the calibration influences the patient safety only indirectly no audit trail review is required.
3a.: Practical example: What about a reactor control from production that has neither user management nor a password or an audit trail etc.? Is it allowed to continue using this control?
Answer: It is definitively recommended to plan a replacement. The time of replacement depends on the product manufactured with the reactor. This defines the criticality.
3b. Practical example: What about a reactor control from production that has neither user management nor a password or an audit trail etc.? (The control concerned is the control of a reactor which is used for the manufacture of intermediates and APIs but not of final products). Is it allowed to continue using this control or does it have to be withdrawn from use?
Answer: Thank you for clarifying the question. I do not think it is necessary to replace the reactor control immediately if it is used for the production of an intermediate. Recommendation: Assess all systems and equipment and arrange them according to priority classes (for instance by using a rather simple FMEA). This is used to define when to deal with the priority classes, for example  Prio 1= until the end of 2017, Prio 2= until the end of 2018 etc…
4. Is the audit trail review prior to the release of each batch a regulatory requirement or is it only recommended so far?
Answer: Annex 11 requires the audit trail review. Inspectors consider the release of batches to be the most critical process of all.
5. Hybrid systems: No audit trail retrofitting possible. What can be done?
Answer: First of all I would clarify all other criteria (access, user/admin profile, safety). How critical is this data? Plan a replacement according to the classification of the criticality (= priority) if the data is critical.
6. Role concept: Is a user allowed to carry out a reintegration? (GC-system)
Answer: As far as I can see, the answer to this is 'no'. This should first be authorised by the Head of Laboratory stating the reason.
7. It is difficult to carry out the separation between the persons of administrator and user in the CDS. Is it possible that the admin and the user being the same person?
Answer: This is possible but it needs to be described in a SOP.
8. Process validation data are category 3 data - therefore no audit trail review is required. But isn't it required to carry out a review for the generation of validation measuring data?
Answer: As you have stated correctly, validation data have the criticality of category 3.
It is very unlikely that the user will carry out changes since there is no reason for falsification - in contrast to the batch release.
9. Hello, is is useful to review the "windows eventviewer" for GxP devices?
Answer: This is a good idea but it will probably not be realistic as too many events would be reported. Its use would anyway only be worth considering for systems which save data locally, and thank God this isn't done by many modern systems anymore.
10a.: Must the report for a riew of the audit trail be generated by the system itself? Or is it possible to use another system which is better suited for carrying out analyses?
Answer: Strictly speaking, the audit trail must be generated by the system itself ("system generated audit trail"). Which other system do you have in mind?
10b. I think, I did not express myself very clearly when asking the question: Is it only reviewed whether the process is still functioning in the course of the periodic reviews - hence, if the audit trail data is still recorded? Meaning: Functionality is documented by IT with a few samples.
Answer: Very correct!
11. May the Head of Laboratory have admin rights for example to carry out the audit trail review?
Answer: Yes, as long as she/he does not operationally process analyses herself/himself.
12. Is it possible for a user to have two system accounts? One as a user and one as administrator or reviewer?
Answer: Yes, in small organisational units. Guarantee by means of an SOP that the admin account will NOT be used operationally.
13. Do you know a system that fulfils all requirements for the audit trail function of a CDS?
Answer: So far there are hardly any systems on the market which allow to carry out the review with a minimum effort. Unfortunately, this is also true for modern systems as Empower 3.
14. File based data retention: Deletion is possible outside the software. How is it possible to "build in" safety?
Answer: Yes, in systems that can store locally on the HD of the user it is possible to set up two local user profiles. Then, for instance, the system stores data only on the profile the user cannot access.
15. What are metadata?
Answer: Data concerning data, such as the timestamp.
16. What are manufacturing execution systems?
Answer: Process control systems.
17. What do you do with legacy equipment? If no audit trail is available or if "user login" is not possible?
Answer: The systems have to be replaced in the short or in the long run - according to the risks.
18. Equipment often has a standard audit trail function. A lot of data is recorded (on/off), but only a small part of it is critical or relevant for a review. What is the best way to proceed when carrying out a review?
Answer: The best way is to configure a report that only shows the critical data but leaves out all the unnecessary elements (such as login/logout). But this has to be programmed and is expensive.
19. What is the way to proceed in the case of facilities in the production area such as AP production, mixers, filling lines with variable parameters as concerns classification of data/systems, extent and intervals of review?
Answer: It is best to classify systems and facilities according to ISA95. Then you will notice that at the bottom levels (field level, PLC, SCADA) no interactions of the user are permitted. Hence no audit trail review is required. Basis is the risk analysis of the systems and data.
20. Whose job is it to carry out the audit trial review in the laboratory?
Answer: This can be a colleague. The FDA requires "Quality Unit" (=QA) in the Draft Guideline. All other Draft Guidelines allow for a peer review.
21. Must all electronic data be stored and archived in the case of a process in the sterile area or is the batch record sufficient?
Answer: You must define what the raw data are. These have to be stored in addition to the batch record.
22. Would you consider changes of the parameters / formulations at production facilities as dynamic data? Do I have to consider them at every batch?
Answer: This data is governed by the change control and is not part of the data for a review.
23. Many of our production processes are documented by means of a batch record on paper. What should we do as concerns the review of the audit trail? Should we review the good documentation practice in the batch record by means of an audit trail review?
Answer: As long as you only document on paper the audit trail review is not relevant for you, but the 4-eyes-principle for all critical steps. The following is stated in the FDA Guidelines: "Critical process steps have to be verified by a second individual".
24 Dynamic data <-> static data. A small filtration facility (pressure measurement/flow measurement/temperature) with a locally installed SCADA system would then rather deliver static data?
Answer: That's correct. Static data as the user is not able to change the data.
25. Batch records are considered to be carriers of raw data for the documentation of processes. What about trend data that have been printed and enclosed to the batch record?
Answer: I do not consider it necessary to always review trend data.
26. Slide 9: What do you include in systems and equipment?
Answer: Everything that has to be validated and qualified?
27. Is it necessary to perform an audit trail review (ATR) after each measurement/analysis carried out at the equipment in the laboratory? Who carries out the ATR - laboratory personnel (operator) or the Head of the Laboratory?
Answer: A SOP is required for the ATR for each system that describes the details. The review after completion of the analysis is important.
We'd like to thank Dr. Schumacher for his comprehensive answers to all questions.
Of course, this webinar is also available as a recording.

2. 提问:设备校正会影响数据的正确性。这是否意味着校正是关键的?


3b. 提问:实例:如果反应釜的生产控制没有用户管理,也没有密码或审计追踪等,会怎么样?(让你涉及的受控反应釜是用于中间体和API生产,但不用于制剂生产)。是否可以继续使用这些控制,还是必须停止使用?

4. 问:在放行每批产品之前,是否有法规要求执行审计追踪审核,还是说目前为止只是建议?

5. 问:混合系统:审计追踪是无法翻新的。这要怎么办呢?

6. 问:角色概念:一个用户是否允许执行重新积分?(GC系统)

7. 问:在CDS里面很难将管理者与用户分开来。是否可能将管理者和用户授予同一人?

8. 问:工艺验证数据是第3类数据---因此,不需要审计追踪审核。但是否需要对验证测量数据生成情况进行审核呢?


A: 答:这是个好主意,但可能并不现实,因为这里面会报告太多事件。只有当数据保存于本机时才认为值得考虑使用此方法,谢天谢地,许多现代化系统已经不再这么做了。


10b. 问:我想,我刚才问问题时没讲的太清楚:是否只是审核定期审核的时间间隔内,该流程仍在起作用---因而,是否仍有记录下审计追踪数据?也就是说,由IT记录采用少数样本来记录其功能。

11. 问:化验室的负责人是否可以持有管理员权限,例如,实施审计追踪审核?


13. 问:你是否知道有哪个CDS系统满足审计追踪功能的所有要求?
答:截止目前,市场上几乎没有任何系统可以不费吹灰之力就执行审核。不幸的是,先进如Empower 3的系统也是这样。

14. 问:基于数据保存的文件:在软件以外可以删除。怎么才能“增强”安全?

15. 问:什么是元数据?

16. 问:什么是生产执行系统?

17. 问:遗留系统要怎么办?如果没有审计追踪,也没办法执行“用户登录”?

18. 问:设备通常有一个标准的审计追踪功能。它记录了许多数据(开关),但只有一小部分是关键的或与审核有关。在执行审核时最好的处理方法是什么?
A: 答:最好的方法是对报告进行参数设置,使其仅显示关键数据,筛除掉所有不必要的要素(例如登录和退出)。但这就必须进行重新编程,这可是很昂贵的。

19. 问:如果生产区域如API生产的设施,混合器、灌装线具有可变参数,有什么办法处理其数据/系统分类,以及审核的程度和时间间隔?

20. 问:在化验室执行审计追踪审核是谁的工作?

21. 问:无菌区的工艺,以及批记录充分时,是否所有电子数据都必须存贮和归档?

22. 问:你认为生产设施中参数/配方的变更是否动态数据?我是否必须在每批中都考虑他们呢?

23. 问:我们许多生产工艺是记录在纸质批记录上的。关于审计追踪审核,我们要做些什么呢?我们是否需要采用审计追踪审核方法来审核批记录中的优良记录规范?

24 问:动态数据VS静态数据。一个小的过滤设施(压力测量/流量测量/温度)有一个就地SCADA系统,这算是静态数据吗?

25. 问:批记录被认为是记录工艺原数据的载体。如果将趋势数据打印出来并附入批记录呢?

26. 问:在第9张幻灯中,你在系统和设备中包括哪些东西?

27. 问:在化验室,是否有必要每次在仪器上执行测量/分析之后均执行审计追踪审核(ATR)?谁来做ATP---化验员人员(操作员)还是化验室负责人?



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