一、波黑国情介绍: 【国 名】 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA,BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA),简称波黑。 【面 积】 5.12万平方公里。 【人 口】 384万(2011年),其中波黑联邦占62.5%,塞尔维亚族共和国占37.5%。主要民族为:波什尼亚克族(即原南时期的穆斯林族),约占总人口43.5%;塞尔维亚族,约占总人口31.2%;克罗地亚族,约占总人口17.4%。三族分别信奉伊斯兰教、东正教和天主教。官方语言为波什尼亚语、塞尔维亚语和克罗地亚语。 【首 都】 萨拉热窝(SARAJEVO),人口43.8万人(2012年)。 国内生产总值(GDP):90.8亿美元。 人均国内生产总值:2335美元。 国内生产总值增长率:5.5%。 货币名称:可兑换马克(KONVERTIBILNA MARKA),或称波黑马克。 汇率:1美元=1.5728可兑换马克。 通货膨胀率:全国为3.7%,波黑联邦2.8%,塞族共和国5.2%。 失业率:全国为44.6%,波黑联邦47.3%,塞族共和国37.9%。 外汇储备:26.7亿美元。 外债:27.1亿美元。 【资 源】 矿产资源丰富,主要有铁矿、褐煤、铝矾土、铅锌矿、石棉、岩盐、重晶石等,其中煤炭蕴藏量达38亿吨。图兹拉地区食用盐储量为欧洲之最。波黑拥有丰富的水资源,潜在的水力发电量达170亿千瓦。森林覆盖面积占波黑全境面积的46.6%,其中65%为落叶植物,35%为针叶植物。 【人民生活】 自1992年爆发战争以来,人民生活水平急剧下降,食品和医药用品极端匮乏。国际社会向波黑提供大量人道主义援助。 1995年代顿波黑和平协议签署后,人民生活有所改善,但仍十分困难。据官方资料,2005年波黑有17.8%的人口(68万人)生活在贫困线以下。截至2005年12月,波黑全国失业人口为502413人,失业率为44.6%。 但据就业部门调查,由于灰色经济的存在,许多劳动力在黑市就业,波黑实际失业率为24%。平均净月工资:波黑联邦582可兑马克,约合370美元;塞族共和国490可兑马克,约合312美元。 二、波黑医药概况 Value of Bosnian Pharmaceutical Market Grows 12.6% Y/Y in 2010, Bosnalijek Remains Market Leader Published: 6/30/2011 The value of Bosnia and Herzegovina's pharmaceutical market rose by 12.6% year-on-year to USD389 million in 2010, according to a recent report by the country's medicines agency. 根据国家药品局最近的一份报告,2010年波黑的医药市场的货值较去年同期上升12.6%至USD389万美元, IHS Global Insight Perspective | | | The value of the Bosnia and Herzegovina's pharmaceutical market grew by 12.63% year-on-year in 2010, to reach USD389 million, estimates a recent report presented by the country's medicines agency. | | Although still overwhelmingly dominated by imports, there was an increase in the proportion of the market held by domestic producers in 2010. | | Increased sales of high-cost medicines and the dynamic growth of the market in general mean that Bosnia and Herzegovina is sure to be an increasingly attractive market for international pharmaceutical companies in years to come. |
Value of Bosnian Pharma Market Grows 12.6% Y/Y in 2010 A report has been published by the Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (Agencija za lijekove i medicinska sredstva Bosne i Hercegovine: ALIMS BiH) on the country's pharmaceutical market in 2010, including data from 44 of the 61 licensed pharmaceutical wholesalers involved in the import of pharmaceuticals, as well as eight domestic pharmaceutical producers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to this report, the value of the pharmaceutical market in Bosnia and Herzegovina during 2010 reached 526.147 billion convertible marks (US389.41 million). This compares with the agency's estimate of BAM467.15 billion in 2009, although it is not clear whether either figure includes the autonomous Republika Srpska enclave. On the basis of these figures, the value of the Bosnian pharmaceutical market increased by 12.63% year-on-year (y/y) in 2010. The full report from the ALIMS BiH is available, in Bosnian, here. Domestic Producers Fare Slightly Better As the figures show, the value of imported pharmaceuticals far outweighs that of domestically produced ones, with over 80% of the market accounted for by imports. Compared with the previous year, however, domestic producers fared somewhat better: in 2009, domestic companies accounted for only 16.7% of the market, as opposed to 19.4% in 2010. 正如数字所示,波黑的进口药品远远大于国内生产的,药品市场中进口药品超过80%的份额。与上年相比,国内药品生产商表现稍好:2009年国内企业只占16.7%的市场份额,在2010年国内药品生产商市场份额上升到19.4%。 Value of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Pharmaceutical Market, 2010 | | | | Sales of domestic producers | | | Value of pharmaceutical imports | | | | | | |
Bosnalijek Retains Market Leader Position The largest pharmaceutical company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, generics producer Bosnalijek, retained its position as market leader in 2010, clocking up domestic sales of BAM65.048 billion, according to ALIMS BiH figures. Its share of the domestic market, however, fell from 14.42% in 2009 to 12.38% in 2010. The second and third positions were occupied by Slovenian generics producer Krka and Serbian generics producer Hemofarm, respectively, while in fourth position was Wellcome Limited, the branch of United Kingdom pharma major GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Other international majors in the top 10 were Swiss firm Roche in 5th place, United States company Pfizer in 8th, and French Sanofi in 10th. 波黑最大的制药公司------仿制药生产商Bosnalijek,在2010年保留了其市场领先地位,根据ALIMS统计,国内销售高达650.48亿BAM。然而,它的国内市场份额从2009年的14.42%下降到2010年的12.38%,第二和第三分别由斯洛文尼亚仿制药生产商科尔卡和塞尔维亚仿制药生产商Hemofarm。在第四的位置是惠康有限公司,本分公司的英国制药主要葛兰素史克(GSK)在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那投资。排名前10位的国际巨头中,瑞士罗氏公司在第5位,美国辉瑞公司在8位,法国赛诺菲在第10位。 Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2010, by Sales Value | | Company and Country of Origin | Value of Sales (BAM bil.) | | | Bosnalijek (Bosnia and Herzegovina) | | | | | | | | | | | | Wellcome Limited (GSK; UK)葛兰素史克(英国) | | | | Roche (Switzerland)罗氏(瑞士) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
波黑本土医药企业一览表 file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ksohtml\wps_clip_image-17001.png Increased Expenditure on High-Cost Medicines Noted Although the top 10 selling medicines by value in Bosnia and Herzegovina during 2010 were primarily heavily genericised drugs—such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors enalapril and lisinopril in first and second places, respectively—sales of high-cost medicines, and particularly oncology medicines, were higher than in 2009. Novartis's oncology drug Glivec/Gleevec (imatinib) was in 11th position, with sales of BAM6.83 billion, compared with BAM4.69 billion in 2009. Additionally, sales of Roche's oncology medicine Herceptin (trastuzumab) went up to BAM4.84 billion in 2010, from only BAM3.75 billion in 2009. Similarly, sales of Roche's MabThera/Rituxan (rituximab) went up from BAM3.69 billion to BAM4.36 billion. 尽管前10名在2010年销售的药品由价值在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那主要被大量genericised药物,如血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂依那普利和赖诺普利在第一和第二位,销售成本高的药品特别是抗肿瘤用药,均高于2009年。诺华公司肿瘤药物格列卫/格列卫(伊马替尼)在第11位,销售额BAM6.83 billion,与BAM4.69 billion在2009年。此外,销售罗氏公司的肿瘤药物赫赛汀(曲妥珠单抗)的上升到BAM4.84 billion在2010年,只有BAM3.75 billion在2009年,同样,销售罗氏的美罗华/ Rituxan治疗(利妥昔单抗)上升从BAM3.69 billion到BAM4.36 billion。 Outlook and Implications Considering its population of about 3.8 million, pharmaceutical spending in Bosnia and Herzegovina remains comparatively low; with double-digit growth in 2010, however, and an increased emphasis on more expensive innovative medicines, it looks like the Bosnia and Herzegovina market is one that is increasingly going to be a focus for pharmaceutical companies looking to expand in the Central and Eastern Europe region. 考虑到其人口约380万人,在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那药品支出仍相对较低;以两位数增长.2010年,然而,更加重视更加昂贵创新药物,它看起来像波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的市场是一个日益将是一个重点制药企业寻找在中欧和东欧扩大区域。 It is also noteworthy that companies native to Bosnia and Herzegovina increased their share of the country's market during 2010, even while the sales of more expensive medicines were on the rise. It can be expected that there will be an increasingly intense focus on boosting domestic production, as the Bosnia and Herzegovina government seeks to make savings on the increasing costs of healthcare in the coming years. 这也是值得注意的是,公司原生于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那2010年期间增加了他们全国的市场份额,甚至在更昂贵的药品的销售呈上升趋势。可以预计,将有越来越强烈的重点放在扩大国内生产,帮助波黑政府在未来几年寻求节省医疗保健的成本的方法。 The country's market can be expected to grow dynamically not only because of market forces and increased expectation of the country's citizens, but also as a result of its closer ties with the EU, which is likely to help combat one of the largest problems in the country's pharmaceutical sector—that of fake medicines—the market for which is reported to be worth over USD400 million per year (see Bosnia and Herzegovina: 19 January 2011: Fake Drug Market in Bosnia and Herzegovina Worth over US$400 Mil.). 全国的市场可以预期,不仅是因为市场力量的动态增长,该国的公民增加的预期,同时也作为其与欧盟,这很可能帮助改善波黑中最大的问题之一--------每年价值超过4亿美元的假药市场(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那:2011年1月19日《波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那价值超过美金4亿美元假冒药品市场》)。 参考文章: 《Development of Studies for Sectors with Potential Pharmaceutical Sector Study, Bosnia and Herzegovina》