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作为ISPE的基准指南(Baseline Guide),该文件提供了一种实践性方法,适用于整个生命科学行业,用来支持开发和建立符合或超越法规要求的清洁程序。该指南涵盖的主题包括:
风险管理的应用 采用生命周期方法进行清洁验证 清洁方法 建立清洁验证可接受标准 确定外观检查限度 残留限度的计算和证明 验证检验和取样方法 设备问题与挑战 变更管理
ISPE说明,本指南由行业专家团队所创建,可以作为清洁生命周期模型的参考,同时也是实用的指南,用于应用理论和概念来创建合规的清洁程序。它与ISPE 基准指南“第7卷–基于风险的药品生产(第二版)”中所述的原则,是保持一致的。
1 Introduction
简介 1.1 Background 背景 1.2 Purpose and Objectives 目的和目标 1.3 Key Concepts 关键概念
2 Cleaning Regulations
3 Risk Management in Cleaning
清洁风险管理 3.1 Risk Management Description Overview and Regulatory Expectations风险管理说明概述和监管期望 3.2 Risk Management Applied to the Cleaning Validation Program风险管理应用于清洁验证程序 3.3 Points to Consider When Using QRM Tools for Cleaning Programs使用QRM工具进行清洁程序时要考虑的要点
4 Cleaning Validation Principles
清洁验证原则 4.1 Cleaning Validation Lifecycle 清洁验证生命周期 4.2 Documentation 文件化 4.3 The Validation Master Plan 验证主计划 4.4 Creation and Execution of Validation Protocols 验证草案的建立和执行 4.5 Periodic Reviews 定期审查 4.6 Cleaning Revalidation 清洁再验证
5 Cleaning Methodologies
清洁方法 5.1 Selection of Cleaning Process 选择清洗工艺 5.2 Clean in Place (CIP) 在线清洗 5.3 Clean Out of Place (COP) 离线清洗 5.4 Manual Cleaning 手工清洗 5.5 Cleaning Parameters and CPPs 清洁参数和CPP 5.6 Worst-Case Products 最差条件产品 5.7 Detergents清洁剂 5.8 Inactivation and Denaturation 失活和变性
6 Acceptance Criteria
可接受标准 6.1 Cleaning Residue Limits for Shared Facilities 共用设施的清洁残留限度 6.2 Acceptance Limits for Fragments of Human Therapeutic Proteins 人类治疗性蛋白质片段的可接受限度 6.3 Visual Inspection and Criteria 目检和标准 6.4 Process Consistency, Capability, and Control 工艺一致性、能力和控制 6.5 Bioburden and Endotoxins 生物负荷和内毒素 6.6 Summary of Acceptance Criteria Approaches for Cleaning Process Performance Qualifications清洁工艺性能确认的可接受标准方法总结
7 Sampling
取样 7.1 Swab Sampling棉签取样 7.2 Rinse Sampling 冲淋取样 7.3 Placebo Sampling 空白取样 7.4 Sampling for Bioburden and Endotoxins生物负荷和内毒素取样
8 Analytical and Biological Assay Methods
分析和生物分析方法 8.1 Analytical Methods分析方法 8.2 Test Method Assessment for Bioburden and Endotoxin生物负荷和内毒素测试方法评估 8.3 Microbiological (Virus, Mycoplasma, and TSE) Studies to Support Cleaning Requirements 微生物学(病毒、支原体和TSE)研究,以支持清洁要求
9 Equipment Issues and Challenges
设备问题和挑战 9.1 Design Aspects of Cleanable Process Equipment清洁工艺设备的设计方面 9.2 Solid Dosage Processing 固体制剂处理 9.3 Sterile Processing无菌处理 9.4 Liquids, Creams, and Ointments 液体、乳剂和膏剂 9.5 API Processing API处理 9.6 Biotechnology Equipment生物技术设备 9.7 Clinical and Investigational Medicinal Products (IMPs) 临床和研究性药品(IMPs) 9.8 Packaging Equipment包装设备 9.9 Dedicated Equipment 专用设备 9.10 Single-Use Technology Equipment一次性使用技术设备
10 Manufacturing Operational Approaches and Impact to Cleaning Practices and Requirements
生产操作方法及其对清洁实践和要求的影响 10.1 Facility Layouts and Segregation设施布局和隔离 10.2 Manufacturing Process and Platforms生产工艺和平台 10.3 Equipment Selection设备选择 10.4 Non-Product and Indirect Product Contact Surfaces非产品接触面和间接产品接触面 10.5 Operational Philosophy运营理念
11 Change Control
变更控制 11.1 Elements of Validated Cleaning Processes 已验证清洁工艺的要素 11.2 Examples of Changes with Corresponding Actions带有相应行动的变更示例
12 Appendix 1 – Example: Swab Recovery Execution Studies
13 Appendix 2 – Example: Cleaning Residue Limits Calculations for a Shared Formulation Tank (Product A/B)
14 Appendix 3 – Example: Protocol for Development and Establishment of a Visible Residue Limit (VRL)
附录3 –示例:制定和建立可见残留限度(VRL)的草案
15 Appendix 4 – Example: Bioburden Swab and Rinse Recovery Methods
附录4 –示例:生物负荷棉签和冲淋回收方法 15.1 Swab Recovery Method 棉签回收方法 15.2 Contact Plates Recovery Method接触碟回收方法 15.3 Rinse Water冲淋水
16 Appendix 5 – Example: Endotoxin Swab and Rinse Recovery Methods
附录5—示例:内毒素棉签和冲淋回收方法 16.1 Endotoxin Swab Recovery Method内毒素棉签回收方法 16.2 Endotoxin Rinse Recovery Method内毒素冲淋回收方法
17 Appendix 6 – Case Study: Establishing Process Parameters for a Manual Cleaning Process
附录6—案例分析:建立手工清洁工艺的工艺参数 17.1 Introduction介绍 17.2 Description of Parts and Tools to Be Cleaned待清洁部件和工具的描述 17.3 Equipment Design Points to Consider设备设计的考量点 17.4 Manufacturing Process and Product Description生产工艺和产品描述 17.5 Recommended Cleaning Process for Tools and Small Parts针对工具和小部件的建议清洁工艺
18 Appendix 7 – Case Study: Establishing Process Parameters for a Clean In Place Cleaning Process
附录7—案例分析:建立在线清洗工艺的工艺参数 18.1 Introduction介绍 18.2 System Description系统描述 18.3 Scenario 1 – Product A 方案1 –产品A 18.4 Scenario 2 – Product B方案2 –产品B 18.5 Scenario 3 – Product C方案3 –产品C 18.6 In-Process Monitoring and Visual Inspection 过程监测和目检 18.7 Points to Consider考量点
19 Appendix 8 – Case Study: Application of Quality Risk Management Tools – Introduction of a New Product into an Existing Multiproduct Facility
附录8—案例分析:质量风险管理工具的应用-多产品工厂中的新产品引入 19.1 Background Information背景信息 19.2 Risk Assessment风险评估
20 Appendix 9 – References
21 Appendix 10 – Glossary
附录10—术语 21.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations 缩略语 21.2 Definitions 定义