第一天(2022年xx月xx日 星期xx)
1. Opening meeting: introductionof the Inspection team members, scopeand aim of the inspection(inspectors).首次会议:检查员介绍检查组成员、检查范围和目的。
2. Futureplanned changes and main changes with possibleimpact since last inspection.自上次检查以来,计划的变更以及可能存在影响的主要变更(mainchanges)。
3. Presentation and discussion ofthe proposed agenda.介绍和讨论拟定的日程。
4. Brief(not more than 15 minutes) presentation of the company and the activitiescarried out on the site.Overview of layout of the premises (general and relatedto the products under scope), and presentation of site changes. 简要介绍公司和现场开展的活动。(不超过 15 分钟)工厂布局概述(整体,以及与受检产品相关的),并介绍工厂变化。
5. Brief(not more than 15 minutes)presentation oftheQuality Assurance System (QApersonnel):简要介绍质量保证体系(不超过15分钟):
(QA人员) ·
Quality management, productrelease. Documentation management. 质量管理、产品放行、文件管理·
Personnel (qualification andtraining)人员确认和培训·
Quality risk management policy.质量风险管理方针·
Supplier evaluation policy.供应商评估方针·
Qualification/Validation policy确认/验证方针·
Complaints, recallsand returns投诉、召回和退货·
Self inspections自检·
Handling of out-of-specificationsresults and other deviations.OOS结果和其他偏差的处理·
Transport verification运输验证·
Future changes foreseen by thecompany (new products, changes infacilities).公司可预见的未来变更(新产品、设施变更)。
6. Presentation of the current manufacturing processes of inspectedproduct,production stepsand IPCs:介绍受检产品的现行生产工艺、生产步骤和中控: xxxxxx
7. Virtual tour of premises Workshop xxxx: production areas (following the flow ofthe manufacturing process),utility areas (water treatment,WFI, steam generator(s),compress air, other utilities,and HVAC) and warehouse.虚拟参观xxxx车间:生产区(按照生产工艺流程)、公用设施区域(水处理、注射用水、蒸汽发生器、压缩空气、其他公用设施和 HVAC)和仓库。
8. Review of QAsystem documents.
第二天(2022年xx月xx日 星期xx)
1. Presentation of the current manufacturing processes of inspectedproduct,production stepsand IPCs:介绍受检产品的现行生产工艺、生产步骤和中控: xxxxx
2. 虚拟参观xxxx车间:生产区(按照生产工艺流程)、公用设施区域(水处理、注射用水、蒸汽发生器、压缩空气、其他公用设施和 HVAC)和仓库。
3. Reviewof QA system documents.审查质量保证体系文件。
第三天(2022年xx月xx日 星期xx)
1. Virtual tour to premises: QC laboratories.Stability chambers.虚拟参观:QC 实验室 、稳定性室。
2. Reviewof the documents requested by the inspectors during the visits and continuationof the review of pending QA documents.检查官审查其在虚拟参观过程中所要求的文件,并继续审查未审完的质量保证体系文件。
1. Revision ofany pending documents and clarification of outstanding issues(ifneeded).审查未审完的文件并澄清未决问题(如果需要)。
2. Debriefing and discussion (Inspection team only). 报告和讨论(仅限检查组)。
3. Closure of the inspection and presentation oftheinspectors’ findings.检查末次会,展示检查官的发现项。
Documentation to be readilyavailable during the inspection检查期间需随时获取的文件:Thedocumentation requested during the distance assessment should be provided tothe inspection team as soon as possible. Some ofthe documents, which couldberequested, are thefollowing:远程评估期间要求的文件应尽快提供给检查组。要求的一些文件如下:
1. Quality policy (e.g.Quality Manual). 质量方针(如:质量手册)
2. Organizational chart: namesand positions. 组织机构图:名称和职位
3. Training SOP. Job descriptions. 培训SOP、职责描述
4. Validation policy (e.g. Validation Master Plan or program). Periodic QualityEvaluations.验证方针(如:验证主计划或规程);定期质量评估
5. SOPreception of materials and sampling. Starting and packaging materialspecifications.物料验收和取样SOP;起始物料和包装材料质量标准
6. Suppliers’evaluation SOP. 供应商评估SOP
7. Manufacturing formulae and masterbatch production records of product underscope.受检品种的生产处方、主批生产记录。
8. Packaging instructions mastersand records.主批包装指令和记录
9. Batchnumber allocation system. Batch production records (verification against masterdocuments, batchesto be revised will be requested during the inspection).批号编制系统;批生产记录(对照主文件进行核实,检查过程中会选定批次)
10. SOPindex. SOP目录
11. Aseptic ProcessSimulation SOP, records.无菌工艺模拟SOP,记录
12. Self-inspection SOP,records.自检SOP,记录
13. Change controlSOP, records.变更SOP,记录
14. CAPA systemdescription,investigation and follow-up.CAPA体系描述、调查和跟进
15. Recall SOP,records.召回SOP,记录
16. HVACqualification, environmental monitoring program and results.空调系统确认、环境监测程序和结果
17. SOP: Watersampling and testing plus records orannualreports. Water system layout.水的取样和检测SOP及其记录,或年度报告;水系统布局
18. SOP: PlannedPreventative Maintenance, Planned Preventative Maintenance ofspecificequipment.计划性预防维修SOP、特定设备的计划性预防维修
19. SOP: Environmentalmonitoring plus records and reportsif available, incl. water.环境监测SOP及其记录和报告,包括水
20. Qualificationprotocols and reports (IQ, OQ and PQ) asindicatedforselected equipment.选定设备的确认方案和报告(IQ, OQ 和 PQ)
21. Validationprotocol and reports for product under scope. Validation ofanalytical methods.受检品种的验证方案和报告,检验方法验证。
22. APQR SOP. Productquality reviews for theproduct includedwithin the scope oftheinspection.年报SOP,受检品种的年报
23. Contractlaboratories (approval,contract/TA).委托实验室(批准、合同/技术协议)
24. Rework andreprocess policy.List of reprocessed and reworkedbatches.重新加工和返工方针;重新加工和返工批次清单。
25. Qualificationstatus and last qualificationdate of equipment ofaffectedworkshop.受检车间的设备确认状态和最近一次确认日期
26. List of UE marketedbatches manufactured and supplied to EU since the last inspection (number ofcommercial batches included).自上次检查以来生产和供应给欧盟的上市批次清单(包括商业批次的数量)。
27. Deviationshandling SOPs (includes Incidents / Non Conformance / Errors / CAPA) and listof all deviationsraised against batches supplied to the EU since the last EUinspection (detailed investigations should beavailable for each). Please ensurethat this identifies the categorisation, the dates raised and closed plusstatusinformation.偏差处理 SOP (包括事件/不合格/错误/CAPA),及自上次检查以来供应给欧盟的批次中出现偏差的清单(每个偏差都应进行详细调查)。 请确保此清单包含了类别、发生日期、关闭日期以及状态等信息。
28. Change control SOPand a summary list of all change controls raised against batches supplied tothe EUincluding process, plant, procedures, etc. since the last inspection(documentation should be available for each). 变更管理 SOP ,及自上次检查以来针对供应给欧盟的批次提出的所有变更控制的汇总清单,包括工艺、厂房、程序等(每个变更都应有相应的文件)。
29. Complaints SOP andlist ofcomplaints received since the last EU inspection (detailedinvestigationsshould be available for each).投诉 SOP, 及自上次欧盟检查以来收到的投诉清单(每个投诉都应进行详细调查)。
30. OOS and OOTprocedure and listofOOS/Ts since thelast EU inspection.OOS 和 OOT 处理规程, 及自上次欧盟检查以来的 OOS/OOT 清单。