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本帖最后由 超乎想象 于 2016-4-20 14:38 编辑
PDA(Parenteral Drug Association,美国注射用药品协会)日前发布了《数据完整性行为守则要素(Elements of a Code of Conduct for Data Integrity)》文件,该文件是目前为止最详细、最全面的数据完整性文件,企业可以作为数据完整性SOP使用,由于原文内容太多,本次只放了一部分内容,给本人留言可以获取PDF版。
要求企业针对药品完整生命周期内的数据可信性、完整性、一致性进行管理,数据完整性不仅适用于企业自身, 还包含供应商、合同生产商以及第三方服务机构等; 要求企业建立关于数据完整性的行为守则, 企业和员工都应当对自己的行为负责;将数据完整性的失信行为上升至不法行为的高度,员工有责任向企业通报数据完整性问题,企业有责任和义务向监管机构通报数据完整性问题; 建立数据完整性的管理系统,与企业的GXP体系相融合, GXP文件中应包含数据完整性要求的方针、标准、程序、行为准则或其他质量体系元素; 强调数据完整性的审计、调查、报告、惩罚机制; 树立诚信的组织文化,建立预防和监测数据完整性问题的机制;
Introduction 简介
Data Integrity has been and currently is a major global concern of Health Authorities and the pharmaceutical industry. Although not a new issue,numerous recent Health Authority enforcement actions such as Warning Letters,Import Alerts, Product Detentions, and suspension or revocation of Marketing Authorizations has focused attention on Data Integrity. Data Integrity can result from lack of awareness of regulatory requirements, employee errors, failure to checkaccuracy of data, software or system malfunction, or configuration problems with electronic data handling, or malfeasance by employees. To holistically address Data Integrity, the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is developing a set of tools in the form of PDA Technical Reports, PDA Training Program, Data Integrity Workshops, and Points to Consider documents that can be used by industry to address thisserious issue. This document presentsthe views of the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) on the benefits for companies to voluntarily adopt a Code of Conduct for assuring data integrity.
How to Use this Document 如何使用本文件
This document was developed by a team with expertise in the fields ofquality, regulatory affairs, auditing, and manufacturing and reviewed by attorneys specialized in food, drug and labor law. This document is written for easy adoption,in part or in its entirety, by companies, if they so choose, without the needfor extensive rewriting of the document. Therefore, the terms ‘shall’ and ‘must’ have been used to permit theCode to be enforceable by a company, if adopted. This document is intended to reinforce aculture of quality and trust within the pharmaceutical industry. It is notintended to be a regulatory standard or guidance, nor is it intended tosupersede any country specific or local laws and regulations governing labor, privacyand/or employee rights.
3.1Applicability 适用性
3.2Data Collection, Analysis, Reporting and Retention 数据的收集、分析、报告和保存
3.3Electronic Data Acquisition Systems 电子数据采集系统
3.4Electronic Access Security Measures 电子访问的安全性措施
3.5Auditing of QualitySystem for Data Integrity 审计数据完整性的质量体系
3.6 Investigations of Wrongful Acts 错误行为的调查
3.7Reporting Wrongful Acts 报告错误行为
3.8 Disciplinary Actions for Employees due to Wrongful Acts 对员工错误行为的惩处
3.9 Notifying Regulatory Authorities about DataIntegrity Issues 通知药管当局关于数据完整性问题
3.10 DataIntegrity of Outsourced Services& Purchased Raw Materials 外包服务和外购原料的数据完整性。
3.11 Employee Training 员工培训 ……