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Report No : IT/NCR/API/3/2018 报告编号:IT/NCR/API/3/2018 The manufacturer : Yibin Lihao Bio-technology Co. Ltd. 企业名称:宜宾市利豪生物科技有限公司 Site address :Qihang Xi Road, Luolong Industrial Park, Yibin, Sichuan, 644104, China 地址:四川省宜宾罗龙工业集中区启航西路 Inspection results:Not comply with the Good Manufacturing Practice Inspected by: Italian Medicines Agency 检查机构:意大利药监局 Inspected date:2018-10-31 检查日期:2018-10-31
Nature of non-compliance : 违规情况:
The inspection identified 24 GMP deficiencies, of which 7 were categorised as major. The major deficiencies were found in the following areas: 1. Risk of contamination; 2. Buildings and facilities; 3. Equipment; 4. Storage of starting material; 5. Process; 6. Materials management, traceability of starting material; 7. Recovery of solvents. 检查共发现24条GMP缺陷,其中7条为主要缺陷。主要缺陷包括:1、污染风险;2、厂房和设施;3、设备;4、起始物料储存;5、工艺;6、物料管理,起始物料的可追溯性;7、溶剂回收。 Action taken/proposed by the NCA : NCA采取/建议措施:
Requested Variation of the marketing authorisation(s) : Variations to existing MAs to remove the site are recommended 上市许可变更要求:变更已有上市许可以移除该工厂 Recall of batches already released: No recalls are recommended 召回已放行的批次: 未建议召回 Prohibition of supply: Prohibition of supply of crude heparin sodium manufactured by the site is recommended 禁止供应:禁止供应该工厂生产的肝素钠粗品 Suspension or voiding of CEP (action to be taken by EDQM) : Variation of involved CEPs is recommended 暂停或取消CEP(EDQM将采取的行动) :建议变更相关CEP。