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Change My Password - Step 1[size=1.125]You can change your password as many times as you wish, but you will be required to change it at least once every 90 days. Subaccount holders are required to change their password the first time they login. Passwords must meet ALL of the following requirements: - At least 8, but no more than 32 characters.
- At least one UPPERCASE letter.
- At least one lowercase letter.
- At least one special character: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] | : ; " , ?. Do not use <>& or '.
- At least one number.
[size=1.125]Some examples of valid passwords would be Yellow$1, December+25 or *Light34. Note:to keep your data secure, do not use these examples as your password.
For assistance in choosing a password that meets these requirements see the Random Password Generator. [size=1.125]To change your password do the following: - Select Change My Password from the Account Management Menu.
- Enter the current password for your account (Figure 1b).
- Enter a new password for your account. Re-enter the password.
- Select Continue.
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