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Article 46b
1. Member States shall take appropriate measures to ensure that themanufacture, import and distribution on their territory of activesubstances, including active substances that are intended for export,comply with good manufacturing practice and good distributionpractices for active substances.
2. Active substances shall only be imported if the followingconditions are fulfilled:
(a) the active substances have been manufactured in accordance withstandards of good manufacturing practice at least equivalent to thoselaid down by the Union pursuant to the third paragraph ofArticle 47; and
(b) the active substances are accompanied by a written confirmationfrom the competent authority of the exporting third country of thefollowing:
(i) the standards of good manufacturing practice applicable to theplant manufacturing the exported active substance are at leastequivalent to those laid down by the Union pursuant to thethird paragraph of Article 47;
(ii) the manufacturing plant concerned is subject to regular, strictand transparent controls and to the effective enforcement ofgood manufacturing practice, including repeated andunannounced inspections, so as to ensure a protection ofpublic health at least equivalent to that in the Union; and
(iii) in the event of findings relating to non-compliance, informationon such findings is supplied by the exporting third country tothe Union without any delay.
This written confirmation shall be without prejudice to the obligationsset out in Article 8 and in point (f) of Article 46.
3. The requirement set out in point (b) of paragraph 2 of this Articleshall not apply if the exporting country is included in the list referred toin Article 111b.
4. Exceptionally and where necessary to ensure the availability ofmedicinal products, when a plant manufacturing an active substancefor export has been inspected by a Member State and was found tocomply with the principles and guidelines of good manufacturingpractice laid down pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 47, therequirement set out in point (b) of paragraph 2 of this Article may bewaived by any Member State for a period not exceeding the validity ofthe certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice. Member States thatmake use of the possibility of such waiver, shall communicate this tothe Commission.