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FDA问答 QC 201506更新
Questions and Answerson Current Good Manufacturing Practices, Good Guidance Practices, Level 2Guidance - Laboratory Controls



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好童鞋  详情 回复 发表于 2016-11-18 08:11

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:26:44 | 显示全部楼层
1        Many leading analytical balance manufacturers provide built-in "auto calibration" features in their balances.  Are such auto-calibration procedures acceptable instead of external performance checks?  If not, then what should the schedule for calibration be? 许多领先的天平生产商为其天平提供内置式“自动校正”功能。这样的自动校正程序是否可以替代外部性能测试呢?如果不能,那么校正计划应该是怎样的?
The auto-calibration feature of a balance may not be relied upon to the exclusion of an external performance check (211.68).  For a scale with a built-in auto-calibrator, we recommend that external performance checks be performed on a periodic basis, but less frequently as compared to a scale without this feature.  The frequency of performance checks depends on the frequency of use of the scale and the criticality and tolerance of the process or analytical step.  Note that all batches of a product manufactured between two successive verifications would be affected should the check of the auto-calibrator reveal a problem.  Additionally, the calibration of an auto-calibrator should be periodically verified--a common frequency is once a year--using National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-traceable standards or NIST-accredited standards in use in other countries.
References 参考文献:
•        21 CFR 211.68: Automatic, mechanical, and electronic equipment
•        21 CFR 211.68:自动、机械和电子设备
•        21 CFR 211.160(b)(4): General requirements (Lab Controls)
•        21 CFR 211.160(b)(4):通用要求(实验室控制)
&#8226;        USP Chapter <41> Weights and Balances
&#8226;        USP第<41>章:砝码和天平
&#8226;        See also:  ASTM standard E 617: Standard Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards (this standard is incorporated into the USP by reference; other widely recognized standards may be acceptable)
&#8226;        也请参见:ASTM标准E617:实验室砝码质量标准和精密重量标准(此标准已通过引用嵌入USP,其它被广泛认可的标准也是可以接受的)

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:27:05 | 显示全部楼层
2        Do CGMPs require that forced degradation studies always be conducted of the drug product when determining if a drug product stability test method is stability-indicating? 在确定一个药品稳定性测试方法是否具有稳定性指示性时,CGMP是否要求都对药品都进行强降解试验?
No.  Drug product stress testing (forced degradation) may not be necessary when the routes of degradation and the suitability of the analytical procedures can be determined through use of the following:
&#8226;        data from stress testing of drug substance
&#8226;        原料药的强降解试验数据
&#8226;        reference materials for process impurities and degradants
&#8226;        工艺杂质和降解产物的对照物质
&#8226;        data from accelerated and long-term studies on drug substance
&#8226;        原料药加速和长期稳定性试验数据
&#8226;        data from accelerated and long-term studies on drug product
&#8226;        制剂的加速和长期稳定性试验数据
Additional supportive information on the specificity of the analytical methods and on degradation pathways of the drug substance may be available from literature sources.
Section 211.165(e) of the CGMP regulations states that the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of test methods shall be established and documented. Further, section 211.166(a)(3) requires that stability test methods be reliable, meaningful, and specific, which means that the content of active ingredient, degradation products, and other components of interest in a drug product can be accurately measured without interference, often called "stability-indicating."
The CGMP regulations do not specify what techniques or tests are to be used to ensure that one’s test methods are stability-indicating. However, evaluating the specificity of the test methods during forced degradation studies (i.e., exposing drug to extremes of pH, temperature, oxygen, etc.) of drug substance and drug product often is necessary to ensure that stability test methods are stability-indicating. But in certain circumstances conducting a forced degradation study of just the drug substance may be sufficient to evaluate the stability-indicating properties of a test method.
Generally, in determining whether it is necessary to conduct forced degradation studies of the drug product, the specificity of the test method should be evaluated for its ability to assay drug substance, degradants, and impurities, in the presence of each other, without interference. The evaluation also should provide assurance that there is not a potential for interaction between drug substance, degradants, impurities, excipients, and container-closure system during the course of the shelf-life of the finished drug product.
一般来说,在确定是否有必要对制剂实施强降解研究时, 应该对分析方法的专属性进行评估,查看其是否有能力在原料药、降解产物和杂质共存时对这些成分进行分析,而不会被干扰。评估还应保证原料药、降解产物、杂质、辅料和容器密闭系统之间在制剂成品的货架其内不会发生相互反应。
Last, the rationale for any decision made concerning the extent of the forced degradation studies conducted as well as the rationale for concluding that a test method is stability-indicating should be fully documented.
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.137: Expiration dating
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.137:有效期
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.165(e): Testing and release for distribution
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.165(e):检测和销售放行
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.166(a)(3): Stability testing
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.166(a)(3):稳定性测试
&#8226;        Compliance Policy Guide, Section 480.100 (7132a.04), Requirements for Expiration Dating and Stability Testing
&#8226;        符合性政策指南,第480.100(7132a.04)部分,有效期和稳定性测试要求
Contact for further information:
Barry Rothman, CDER

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:27:21 | 显示全部楼层
3        When performing the USP <788> Particulate Matter in Injections test for a Large Volume Parenteral (LVP), is it acceptable to take the average among the units tested to determine if the batch meets its specification for this attribute? 在对大容量注射剂(LVP)做USP<788>注射剂中颗粒物检测时,是否可以采用受测单元测试结果的平均值来确定该批次是否符合此项目标准?
No.  It is not acceptable to take the average among the LVP units tested in each batch/lot when following this method because the purpose of this method is to measure and limit intra-batch variability.
"Particulate matter" refers to small, sub-visible particles. USP <788> provides two tests for detecting such particulates--light obscuration and microscopic assay.  Both are generally accepted for use in testing LVPs and small volume parenterals (SVP) for the determination of sub-visible particulate matter.  Normally, samples are first tested by the light obscuration method; if the sample fails the specified limits, the microscopic assay method can then be used. However, the microscopic method can be the sole test if there is a documented technical reason or interference from the product under test that would make the light obscuration method unsuitable or the results invalid.
Confusion about when averaging data is and is not acceptable is probably due to the sample preparation method for the light obscuration test (USP <788>).  At least 2, 5-mL aliquots from each sampled unit or the pooled sample (see below) are to be used in the particulate count determination, and the results from these aliquots are to be averaged for comparison with the specification.  Note that the average is of the results from examining each aliquot and not between units. (The results of the first aliquot examined by light obscuration are to be discarded, and the subsequent aliquots--2 or more--are retained.) Pooling units prior to analysis is permitted only if the volume in each unit is less than 25 mL, in which case 10 or more units may be pooled. If the volume in the SVP or LVP is 25 mL or more per unit, single units are to be examined by this method (USP <788>).
Results among the test units cannot be averaged because particulate matter is assumed to be non-uniformly dispersed throughout the lot.  The intent of assessing results from each individual unit is to ensure adequate representation of the lot and to detect potential variation within a lot.
As to the number of individual units to be tested for LVP and SVP units having a volume of 25mL or more, the USP states that the number of units tested depends on "statistically sound sampling plans," and "sampling plans should be based on consideration of product volume, numbers of particles historically found to be present in comparison to limits, particle size distribution of particles present, and variability of particle counts between units." The USP also suggests that the total number of units tested for any given batch may be less than 10 units (for LVP and pooled SVPs) with proper justification.  This is consistent with the CGMP requirement for statistical sampling plans (see 211.165).
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.160: General requirements (laboratory controls)
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.160:一般要求(实验室控制)
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.165(c),(d): Testing and release for distribution
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.165(c),(d):检测和放行销售
&#8226;        USP <788> Particulate Matter in Injections
&#8226;        USP<788>:注射剂中的颗粒物
&#8226;        For information only: Draft Guidance: Guidance for Industry: Investigating Out of Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production
&#8226;        仅供参考:指南草案:行业指南:药品生产中OOS检验结果调查

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:27:35 | 显示全部楼层
4        Can Total Organic Carbon (TOC) be an acceptable method for detecting residues of contaminants in evaluating cleaning effectiveness? 总有机碳(TOC)是否可以作为清洁效果评估里污染物残留检测的方法?
Yes.  Since the publication of the inspection guide on cleaning validation in 1993, a number of studies have been published to demonstrate the adequacy of TOC in measuring contaminant residues.
We think TOC or TC can be an acceptable method for monitoring residues routinely and for cleaning validation. But in order for TOC to be functionally suitable, it should first be established that a substantial amount of the contaminating material(s) is organic and contains carbon that can be oxidized under TOC test conditions. This is not a trivial exercise because we know that some organic compounds cannot be reliably detected using TOC.
TOC use may be justified for direct surface sample testing as well as indirect (rinse water) sample testing. In either case, because TOC does not identify or distinguish among different compounds containing oxidizable carbon, any detected carbon is to be attributed to the target compound(s) for comparing with the established limit. Thus, a firm should limit 'background' carbon (i.e., carbon from sources other than the contaminant being removed) as much as possible.  The established limit, or the amount of residue detected for comparison to the specification, should correct for the target material's composition of carbon. As for any cleaning method, recovery studies are necessary (211.160(b)).  If TOC samples are being held for long periods of time before analysis, a firm should verify the impact of sample holding time on accuracy and limit of quantitation.
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.67: Equipment cleaning and maintenance.
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.67: 设备清洁和维护
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.160(b): General requirements (Laboratory Controls)
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.160(b): 通则(化验室控制)
&#8226;        USP <643> Total Organic Carbon
&#8226;        USP <643> 总有机碳TOC
&#8226;        Guide to Inspections of Cleaning Validation, 1993
&#8226;        清洁验证检查指南, 1993
Contact for further information:
Brian Hasselbalch, CDER


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:27:49 | 显示全部楼层
5        Would a paramagnetic or laser oxygen analyzer be able to detect all possible contaminants or impurities in a medical gas? 顺磁或激光氧分析仪是否可以检出医用气体中所有可能的污染物或杂质?
No. Although, paramagnetic and laser oxygen analyzers are very accurate and reliable when calibrated correctly, these types of analyzers can only detect the identification and strength of oxygen. They are unable to detect contaminants or impurities that may be present, such as hydrocarbons or arsenic compounds.  According to the USP General Notices, Foreign Substances and Impurities section, "it is manifestly impossible to include in each monograph a test for every impurity, contaminant, or adulterant that might be present."  The USP monograph test for oxygen does not include an impurity screen and other analyzers may need to be used.  For example, assays for hydrocarbon impurities are routinely conducted during the oxygen manufacturing process even though the USP does not list hydrocarbons as an impurity.  Also, alternative methods may be needed to test high-pressure cylinders for cleaning solution residues.
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.160: General requirements (Laboratory Controls)
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.160:通用要求(化验室控制)
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.165: Testing and release for distribution
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.165:检测和销售放行
&#8226;        United States Pharmacopoeia
&#8226;        美国药典

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:28:18 | 显示全部楼层
6        Can up to twelve month expiration-dating be assigned to oral solid and liquid dosage forms repackaged into unit-dose containers based on guidance in the May 2005 draft revision of Compliance Policy Guide, Section 480.200 (7132b.11), “Expiration Dating of Unit Dose Repackaged Drugs”? 在将固体口服和液体口服制剂重新包装至单剂量容器后,是否可以根据2005年修订后的《符合性方针指南》第480.200(7132b.11)草案“单位剂量重新包装药品有效期计算”给定12个月的有效期呢?
No. In May 2005, a Notice of Availability of the draft revision of FDA’s Compliance Policy Guide Section 480.200 (CPG 7132b.11), “Expiration Dating of Unit-Dose Repackaged Drugs,” was announced in the Federal Register. The draft CPG specifies certain conditions when it may be possible to assign up to twelve month expiration-dating to non-sterile solid and liquid oral drug products repackaged into unit-dose containers without conducting new stability studies to support the length of expiration-dating on the repackaged products. The draft CPG was prompted by United States Pharmacopeia (USP) standards for assigning up to a twelve month “beyond-use date” to non-sterile solid and liquid oral dosage forms dispensed in unit-dose containers. (“Beyond-use date” is USP’s pharmacy dispensing term for specifying a date on a prescription container beyond which a patient should not use the product.) If finalized, FDA’s draft CPG would replace the current version of CPG Section 480.200. The current version of CPG Section 480.200 was finalized in March 1995 and provides conditions under which FDA will not initiate action for assigning up to six month expiration dating for drug products repackaged into unit-dose containers without conducting new stability studies.
FDA is conducting a stability study of certain commercially repackaged drugs to determine the suitability of the draft revision of CPG Section 480.200. Until the stability study is complete and FDA evaluates all comments submitted to the public docket in response to the May 2005 Federal Register Notice of Availability, the agency does not intend to make a final decision on the draft revision of CPG Section 480.200. Consequently, at this time and until FDA announces a final decision on the draft CPG, the current CPG Section.480.200, which was finalized in March 1995, is in effect.
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        Compliance Policy Guide section 480.200 (CPG 7132b.11)
&#8226;        符合性方针指南第480.200部分(CPG 7132b.11)
&#8226;        Federal Register: May 31, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 103) pages 30953-30954
&#8226;        联邦公报,2005年5月31日(第70卷,第103号)页30953-30954
&#8226;        CFR 211.137 and 211.166
&#8226;        CFR 211.137 和 211.166
Contact for further information:
Barry Rothman, CDER

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:28:34 | 显示全部楼层

7        Is it ever appropriate to use an unvalidated method to test a drug component or product?
The CGMP regulations require the use of validated methods when performing routine testing of raw material, in process material, and finished product (21 CFR 211.160, 211.165(e), and 211.194) for manufacturing finished drug products. Method validation studies establish proof that a method is suitable for its intended purpose. The purpose is generally to measure a particular material’s conformance to an established specification (see FDA Guidance for Industry, ICH Q2 (R1)).   
CGMP法规要求使用经过验证的方法对制剂生产用原料、在制物料和成品进行日常检验(21 CFR 211.160, 211.165(e), and 211.194)。方法验证研究提供证据证明一个方法符合其既定用途。该用途一般是用于测量特定的物料的指标是否符合既定的质量标准(参见FDA行业指南,ICH Q2(R1))。
FDA recognizes, however, that test methods developed based on scientifically sound principles (e.g., sufficient accuracy and precision) but which are not fully validated may be suitable for use in certain instances during an investigation of a potential quality problem or defect. For example, investigation of an atypical impurity or possible contaminant of a drug product or any of its components (e.g., OSCS in heparin) may indicate the need for additional methods beyond routine quality control tests. Such testing may be critical to promptly and adequately evaluate the problem and protect public health. Full evaluation of a method’s robustness and reproducibility may not initially be feasible or appropriate when conducting tests in certain investigations.
When a company, for whatever reason, tests drug components or products using an unvalidated method, it is important to recognize the possibility of greater uncertainty in the test results derived from these unvalidated test methods, as compared to validated test methods.   Nevertheless, the resulting data may yield important information indicating the need for prompt corrective action.  Accordingly, we expect all such test results on drug components or products to be reviewed to assess the need for follow-up action (211.192 and 211.180(e)).
当一个公司,不管因为什么原因,使用未经验证的方法检验药物成分或药品时,很重要的一点是要认识,相比于经过验证的方法,未经验证的方法其检测结果的不确定度更大。当然,所获得的结果数据可能会给出重要信息,需要立即采取纠正措施。相应地,我们期望所有此类对药物成分或药品的检测结果要进行审核,以评估是否需要跟进措施(211.192 and 211.180(e))。
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR Part 210 http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/sc ... rt=210&showFR=1
&#8226;        21 CFR Part 210
&#8226;        21 CFR Part 211 http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/sc ... rch.cfm?CFRPart=211
&#8226;        21 CFR Part 211
&#8226;        ICH Q7, Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Reg ... ances/ucm129098.pdf
&#8226;        ICH Q7,原料药GMP
&#8226;        Guidance for Industry, ICH Q2 (R1), Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/Guidanc ... ances/ucm065005.htm
&#8226;        行业指南ICH Q2(R1),分析方法验证:正文和方法学
Contact for further information:
Frank W. Perrella, Ph.D.
Date: 1/6/2011


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:28:47 | 显示全部楼层
8        Did the FDA withdraw the 1987 Guideline on Validation of the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate Test as an End-Product Endotoxin Test for Human Parenteral Drugs, Biological Products, and Medical Devices? FDA是否撤回了1987年指南“鲎试剂检测作为人用注射用药、生物制品和医疗器械的成品内毒素检测”?
Yes, the FDA withdrew the 1987 Guideline. The 1987 Guideline is considered obsolete and does not reflect the Agency’s current thinking on the topic.
Date: 7/12/2011

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:28:59 | 显示全部楼层
9        Where can drug manufacturers find information regarding endotoxin testing? 药品生产商在哪儿能找到关于内毒素检测的信息?
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) publishes endotoxin testing recommendations and acceptance criteria in General Chapter <85> Bacterial Endotoxins Test. USP <85> provides methods and calculation of limits for drugs. FDA may, as needed, provide additional guidance to clarify the Agency’s current thinking on use of LAL, recombinant LAL, and other endotoxin testing methods.
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        United States Pharmacopeia, General Chapter <85> Bacterial Endotoxins Test. United States Pharmacopeial Convention: Rockville, MD.
&#8226;        USP,通则<85>:细菌内毒素检测
Contact for further information:
Diane Raccasi, Microbiologist
Date 7/12/2011

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:29:19 | 显示全部楼层
10        Is it acceptable to release non-penicillin finished drug products to market if the products may have been exposed to penicillin, as long as the non-penicillin products are tested and no penicillin residue is found? 如果一个药品曾经被暴露在青霉素中,是不是只要没有检出青霉素残留,就可以放行该非青药物呢?
21 CFR 211.176, Penicillin Contamination, allows marketing of non-penicillin finished drug products if they are tested using the codified method and found not to be contaminated with penicillin. However, it is not acceptable to release the product unless all other applicable CGMP requirements have been met. In some cases, firms inappropriately apply § 211.176 to market products that have not been produced under CGMP. Notably, 21 CFR 211.42(d) requires that manufacturing operations for penicillin drug products be performed in facilities separate from those used for non-penicillin human drug products. Similarly, 21 CFR 211.46(d) requires that air-handling systems for penicillin and non-penicillin drug products be completely separate.
21 CFR 211.176青霉素污染允许销售经过法定方法检测并且未发现受到青霉素污染的非青药物。但是,只有要符合其它所有适用的CGMP要求前提下,该放行才是可以接受的。在有些情形下,公司不恰当地应用了§ 211.176来销售不在CGMP条件下生产的药物。尤其是,21 CFR 211.42(d)要求青霉素药物的生产操作应该在与其它非青人药隔离的设施中进行。类似地,21 CFR 211.46(d)要求青霉素和非青药物的空气处理系统完全独立。
For example, if a non-penicillin product is made in a facility that shares equipment or an air-handling system with a penicillin production area (in violation of § 211.46(d)), the non-penicillin product cannot be made CGMP-compliant through testing alone. However, if a door is accidentally left open between a penicillin-dedicated area and other separate production areas, resulting in possible exposure of the other areas to penicillin, testing those other products for penicillin could justify their release for distribution.
例如,如果一个非青药物是在一个与青霉素生产区域共用的设备或空气处理系统的设施里生产的(违反§ 211.46(d)),则非青药物就不能只是通过检测来达到CGMP符合性要求了。而如果在青霉素专用 区域和其它独立的生产区域之间的一扇门被无意间打开,导致其它区域可能暴露于青霉素中,检测这些非青药物中的青霉素残留则可以支持其放行销售。
However, as per 21 CFR 211.165, all sampling plans and acceptance criteria used for testing and release of the non-penicillin product, including any testing for penicillin contamination, must be adequate to ensure the tested product meets all of its specifications.
但是,根据21 CFR 211.165,所有非青药物检测和放行取样计划和可接受标准,包括所有青霉素污染检测,必须足以确保受测药物符合其所有质量标准。
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.176: Penicillin contamination
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.176:青霉素污染
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.42(d): Design and construction features
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.42(d):设计和建筑特性
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.46(d): Ventilation, air filtration, air heating and cooling
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.46(d):通风、空气过滤、空气冷暖调节
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.165: Testing and release for distribution
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.165:检测和销售放行
Date: 6/17/2015

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:29:37 | 显示全部楼层
11        Can a facility that produced penicillin dosage forms be decontaminated and renovated for production of non-penicillin dosage forms, provided there is no further penicillin production in the renovated facility? 一个生产青霉素制剂的工厂是否可以清除污染,重新改造用于非青霉素制剂的生产?改造后不再其中生产青霉素药品。
Yes; however, decontamination can be extremely difficult. The decontamination process must include scientifically sound studies demonstrating the efficacy of the decontamination agents, extensive and statistically appropriate sampling throughout the areas before and after decontamination to verify cleanliness, and appropriate testing of such samples with a validated analytical method having an appropriate limit of detection. The CGMP regulations in 21 CFR 211.176 require that if a reasonable possibility exists that a non-penicillin drug product has been exposed to cross-contamination with penicillin, the non-penicillin product must be tested for the presence of penicillin and cannot be marketed if detectable levels are found using the codified method. Such a reasonable possibility may be present if decontamination has not been conducted effectively. Although CGMP regulations do not prohibit decontamination and conversion, the difficulty of cleaning up penicillin residues can make the process daunting (see also FDA Guide to Inspections, referenced below).
可以,但是污染清除可能会非常难。污染清除过程必须包括科学合理的研究,证明污染清除用试剂的有效性,在污染清洁前后在整个区域进行统计学意义取样以验证其清洁度,对这些样品采用经过验证的具有适当检出限的分析方法进行适当检测。CGMP法规21 CFR 211.176要求如果非青霉素药品有合理可能性曾经暴露于青霉素交叉污染的话,则非青霉素药品必须进行测试,证明其无青霉素残留,如果使用法定方法检测发现可以检出青霉素,则该药品不得销售。如果污染清除做的不是很有效,则可能会存在此合理可能性。尽管CGMP法规并没有禁止清除污染并改变其用途,但对青霉素残留的清洁难度可能会导致此过程相当艰难。
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.176: Penicillin contamination
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.176:青霉素污染
&#8226;        FDA Guide to Inspections:Validation of Cleaning Processes http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/Inspect ... uides/ucm074922.htm
&#8226;        FDA检查指南:清洁程序验证

Date: 6/17/2015

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:29:51 | 显示全部楼层
12        Is there an acceptable level of penicillin residue in non-penicillin drug products? 非青霉素药品中的青霉素残留是否有可接受水平?
No. There is no established safe level of penicillin residue in non-penicillin drug products (see FDA guidance for industry, referenced below). The CGMP regulations in 21 CFR 211.42(d) and 211.46(d) require that penicillin-manufacturing facilities and air-handling systems must be adequately separated from those used to manufacture other drugs. 21 CFR 211.176 states that a non-penicillin drug product must not be marketed if penicillin is found when tested according to the codified procedure. Alternative validated test methods to detect penicillin residues may be used if demonstrated to be equivalent to or better than the referenced method.
没有。在非青霉素药品中没有建立青霉素产品的安全水平(参见FDA行业指南,以下参考文献)。在21CFR 211.42(d)和211.46(d)中的CGMP规定要求青霉素生产设施和空气处理系统必须与其它药品生产用生产设施和空气处理系统要充分隔离。21 CFR 211.176说非青霉素药品中如果根据法定方法检测并发现有青霉素残留的话,则不能销售。如果证明有替代方法等同或优于所引用的方法,则也可以使用替代方法来检出青霉素残留。
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.176: Penicillin contamination
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.176:青霉素污染
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.42(d): Design and construction features
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.42(d):设计和建筑特性
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.46(d): Ventilation, air filtration, air heating and cooling
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.46(d):通风、空气过滤、空气冷暖调节
&#8226;        FDA Guidance for Industry, 2013, Non-Penicillin Beta-Lactam Drugs: A CGMP Framework for Preventing Cross-Contamination
&#8226;        FDA行业指南,2013:非青霉素β内酰胺药物:防止交叉污染CGMP框架
&#8226;        FDA BY-Lines No. 8, Nov 1977, A Review of Procedures for the Detection of Residual Penicillins in Drugs
&#8226;        FDA干线第8号1997年11月:药品中青霉素残留的检出程序审核
Date: 6/17/2015

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:30:05 | 显示全部楼层
13        For injectable drugs in multiple-dose containers, is the number of entries to withdraw a dose a factor in determining the expiration date? 多剂量容器中的注射用药品中,进入抽取一定剂量的次数是否是确定有效期的一个因素?
Generally, no. Unless the multiple-dose container is labeled to yield a specific number of doses of a stated volume, there is no limit to the number of withdrawals that may be made from a multiple-dose container before the drug is depleted or reaches its expiration date. The primary concern with multiple-dose containers is the potential for contaminating the product during multiple penetrations through the container stopper. Although the expiration date assigned to such products would be based on the stability of the drug product, stability protocols should include requirements for testing and evaluating container-closure integrity. Container-closure integrity testing may include physically testing the closure seal by using a leak test and monitoring the system’s ability to prevent microbial contamination. For multiple-dose injection product containers, functionality testing can include a self-sealing capacity test involving multiple penetrations of a hypodermic needle through the container stopper (see USP references below). Furthermore, injectable drug products in multiple-dose containers are generally formulated with an antimicrobial agent or preservative—or they contain inherently antimicrobial ingredients—and must meet requirements in accordance with the approved application (new drug application/abbreviated new drug application, biologics license application) and/or USP requirements.
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.166: Stability testing
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.166:稳定性测试
&#8226;        USP 38–NF 33 (2015) General Chapter <1> Injections
&#8226;        USP38-NF33(2015)通则<1>注射剂
&#8226;        USP 38–NF 33 (2015) General Chapter <381> Elastomeric Closures for Injections
&#8226;        USP38-NF33(2015)通则<381>:注射剂的橡胶密封
&#8226;        FDA Guidance for Industry, 1996, ICH Q5C Quality of Biotechnological Products: Stability Testing of Biotechnological/Biological Products
&#8226;        FDA行业指南,1996,ICH Q5C:生物制剂的质量:生物制剂/生物药品的稳定性测试
&#8226;        FDA Guidance for Industry, 2003, ICH Q1A(R2) Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products
&#8226;        FDA行业指南,2003,ICH Q1A(R2):新原料药和制剂稳定性测试
&#8226;        FDA Guidance for Industry, 1996, ICH Q1C Stability Testing for New Dosage Forms
&#8226;        FDA行业指南,1996:ICH Q1新剂型稳定性试验
&#8226;        FDA Guidance for Industry, 2013, ANDAs: Stability Testing of Drug Substances and Products
&#8226;        FDA行业指南,2013,ANDA:原料药和制剂稳定性测试
&#8226;        FDA Guidance for Industry, 2014, ANDAs: Stability Testing of Drug Substances and Products, Questions and Answers
&#8226;        FDA行业指南,2014,ANDA:原料药和制剂稳定性测试,问答
&#8226;        FDA Guidance for Industry, 2008, Container and Closure System Integrity Testing in Lieu of Sterility Testing as a Component of the Stability Protocol for Sterile Products
&#8226;        FDA行业指南,2008,容器和密闭系统完整性测试替代稳定性测试作为无菌药品稳定性试验方案的一部分

Date: 6/17/2015

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-17 19:30:22 | 显示全部楼层
14        How long may a firm store in-process/intermediate powder blends and triturations, sustained-release pellets/beads, and tablet cores, absent separate stability studies, before using them in finished drug products? 在将在制品/中间体粉料混合物和研磨物、待放行丸/粒、片芯用于最终制剂时,如果没有单独的稳定性研究,能放多久?
For in-process/intermediate materials that are chemically and physically stable, a risk- and science-based assessment process can help identify which material attributes and process parameters might affect the critical quality attributes of the finished drug product in which they are to be used. This assessment should be designed to ensure that materials held (under appropriate storage conditions) for a specified period are appropriate for use in manufacturing the finished drug product without having to conduct formal stability studies to verify the holding periods. In some instances, the risk assessment may include sampling and testing the material being held (at the stage determined by the risk assessment) to verify the manufacturing holding period.
However, for unstable materials or for materials held longer than the period established in the risk assessment, firms should conduct stability studies according to an approved stability protocol to verify holding periods. The stability studies should include evaluations of the in-process/intermediate materials up to the time of their use in manufacturing a finished drug product and should include long-term monitoring of finished product batches manufactured with the in-process/intermediate materials.
In the latter case, until appropriate stability data are generated, firms should calculate the expiration date assigned to finished product batches based on the date of manufacture/release of the in-process/intermediate material rather than on that of the finished product.
References 参考文献:
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.110: Sampling and testing of in-process materials and drug products
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.110:中控物料和药品取样和检测
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.111: Time limitations on production
&#8226;        21 CFR 211.111:生产时间限制
Date: 6/17/2015
Date Created: August 4, 2004, updated June 17, 2015


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julia朱玉姣 发表于 2016-11-17 19:30
14        How long may a firm store in-process/intermediate powder blends and triturations, sustained-relea ...


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