
楼主 |
发表于 2020-3-9 09:25:51
本帖最后由 roadman 于 2020-3-9 08:27 编辑
Visual Inspection Boardfinishes work on Container-/Closure-Integrity Document
Members of the ECA Visual Inspection Board havefinished their work on a position paper regarding Container-/Closure-Integritytesting. The new document discusses leak testing of sterile containers andhas been released as the uncertainty in the pharmaceutical industry increases,how integrity testing has to be handled in the near future. There is already anumber of companies preparing for a 100 % integrity testing, which is already amust for ampoules. But the testing of 100% of a batch does not give a 100%security. It is much more important that the concept of testing is adequate.For example a 100% testing does not answer the question, what tight is, or howtight a container should be. Another question should also be answered, before atesting is done: What kind of leaks or cracks should be detected. And how doartificial leaks correlate with the risk of microbial contamination? As the100% testing method must be validated, it should also be clear how artificialwholes or cracks can be made in a reproducible way.
The new ECA paper complies with the requirements fromthe European Pharmacopeia and reflects current industry practice. Itwill be further developed to a guidance and it will also be harmonised it withthe US Pharmacopeia. Further, relevant changes possibly necessary due to thenew EU Annex 1, which is under revision at the moment, will also be addressed.The paper will be presented at the upcoming event of the ECA Visual InspectionGroup, 10-12 October 2017 in Vienna.
The new paper can be found in the download section of the ECA Visual Inspection Webpage.
新的文件可以在ECA目视检查网页上下载。 |