Discussion Forum when launch stability study time point? Contribution from ok written on 1/8/2010at 05:12 our company produce sterile finishedproduct. we need 14 days to obtain sterility testing result. could you tell me which day should I designit as stability study starting time point? the first day when sample were put intostability chanber; or the day when I obtain sterility testing result? which guide can help me? many thanks -------- Contribution from JD Mallet written on 1/8/2010at 19:55 Original contribution: RE: when launchstability study time point? written by ok on 1/8/2010at 14:18) For stability studies the start point is,obviously, the date where the product starts to degrade meaning very simply thedate of manufacture. For sterility your are suppose to test theproduct as soon is aseptically filled or sterilised in its container. Roughlyspeakin you can consider that this is also the date of manufacturing. Best regards. -------- Contribution from ok written on 1/9/2010at 01:01 but at manufacturing date, I do not knowwether the product complies with specification. if the product can not comply withspecification finally, stability testing is no sense. -------- Contribution from JD Mallet written on 1/9/2010at 10:32 Dear Ok, Of course, there is always a chance to havea rejected batch but we all are manufacturing our products in the intent ofbeing successful. Anyway, there is no other "start" point than themanufacture date. -------- Contribution from luciano written on 1/9/2010at 17:58 I have another idea. First I suppose you are talking of"formal stability studies" that should be conducted using approvedbatches ( sterility included since this is a parameter to be checked duringstability). second, you should have a procedure statingwhich date should be taken as initial time of your stability protocol, thatcould be : the time you put the samples into stability chamber assuming thatthis date is within 30 days of the analytical data (mainly chemical- that arequantitative parameters). If you are beyond this date you should repeat thecritical analyses. |