WHO_TRS_929 Annex1 | International Chemical Reference Substances and International Infrared
Reference Spectra | 国际化学对照品和国际红外对照光谱 |
WHO_TRS_929 Annex2 | Good manufacturing practices: requirement for the sampling of starting
materials (amendment) | 药品生产质量管理规范:起始物料抽样要求(修订) |
WHO_TRS_929 Annex3 | WHO Good Manufacturing Practices: water for pharmaceutical use | 药品生产质量管理规范:制药用水 |
WHO_TRS_929 Annex4 | WHO guidelines for sampling of pharmaceutical products and related
materials | 关于药品和相关物料的抽样指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_929 Annex5 | Guidelines for registration of fixed-dose combination medicinal products | 固定剂量复方制剂注册指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex1 | List of available International Chemical Reference Substances and International Infrared Reference Spectra | 国际化学对照品和国际红外对照光谱目录 |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex2 | Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practices for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms | 非无菌药物制剂的供热、通风和空调系统的《药品生产质量管理规范》的补充指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex3 | Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practices for the manufacture of herbal medicines | 关于植物药生产的《药品生产质量管理规范》的补充指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex4 | Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practices: validation | 《药品生产质量管理规范》的补充指导原则:验证 |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex5 | Good distribution practices for pharmaceutical products | 《药品分销质量管理规范》 |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex6 | A model quality assurance system for procurement agencies(Recommendations for quality assurance systems focusing on prequalifi cation of products and manufacturers, purchasing, storage and distribution of pharmaceutical products) | 药品采购机构质量保证体系的范本(对药品及生产企业的预认证及药品采购、储藏分销环节的质量保证体系的建议) |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex7 | Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products: guidelines on registration requirements to establish interchangeability | 多来源(仿制)药晶:建立可互换性注册要求的指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex8 | Proposal to waive in vivo bioequivalence requirements for WHO Model List of Essential Medicines immediate-release,solid oral dosage forms | 关于豁免WHO基本药物目录中口服固体常释(普通)制剂体内生物等效性研究的要求 |
WHO_TRS_937 Annex9 | Additional guidance for organizations performing in vivo bioequivalence studies | 对实施体内生物等效性研究机构的补充指南 |
WHO_TRS_943 Annex1 | The International Pharmacopoeia – related substances tests:dosage form monographs guidance notes | 《国际药典》有关物质检查:制剂指南说明 |
WHO_TRS_943 Annex2 | List of available International Chemical Reference Substances and International Infrared Reference Spectra | 国际化学对照品和国际红外对照光谱目录 |
WHO_TRS_943 Annex3 | General guidelines for the establishment, maintenance
and distribution of chemical reference substances. Revision | 化学对照品建立、管理及销售的一般指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_943 Annex4 | Procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of pharmaceutical products for purchase by United Nations agencies | 联合国机构对采购药品的质量评估一般程序 |
WHO_TRS_943 Annex5 | Prequalifi cation of quality control laboratories. Procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of quality control laboratories for use by United Nations agencies | 联合国机构用质量控制室的评估程序 |
WHO_TRS_943 Annex6 | Guidance on variations to a prequalifi ed product dossier | 预认证产品文件变更指南 |
WHO_TRS_948 Annex1 | List of available International Chemical Reference Substances and International Infrared Reference Spectra | 国际化学对照品和国际红外对照光谱目录 |
WHO_TRS_948 Annex2 | Procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of male latex condoms for purchase by United Nations agencies | 联合国机构对采购的男用乳胶安全套质量评估的一般程序 |
WHO_TRS_948 Annex3 | Procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of TCu380A intrauterine devices for purchase by United Nations agencies | 联合国机构对采购的TCu380A 宫内节育器质量评估的一般程序 |
WHO_TRS_948 Annex4 | Guidelines on active pharmaceutical ingredient master fi le procedure | 关于活性药物成分主控文档程序文件的指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_948 Annex5 | International Nonproprietary Names for biological and biotechnological substances: a review | 生物和生物技术物质国际非专利名称(修订稿) |
WHO_TRS_953 Annex1 | List of available International Chemical Reference Substances and International Infrared Reference Spectra | 国际化学对照品和国际红外对照光谱目录 |
WHO_TRS_953 Annex2 | Stability testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and fi nished pharmaceutical products | 药物活性成分和药物制剂成品的稳定性试验 |
WHO_TRS_953 Annex3 | Procedure for prequalifi cation of pharmaceutical products | 药品预认证程序 |
WHO_TRS_953 Annex4 | Procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of active pharmaceutical ingredients for use in pharmaceutical products | 对用于药品活性药物成分(API)质量评价的一般程序 |
WHO_TRS_957 Annex1 | WHO good practices for pharmaceutical quality control laboratories | 世界卫生组织药品质量控制实验室质量管理规范 |
WHO_TRS_957 Annex2 | W HO good manufacturing practices for active pharmaceutical ingredients | WHO活性药物成分生产质量管理规范 |
WHO_TRS_957 Annex3 | WHO good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products
containing hazardous substances | 世界卫生组织关于含有害物质的药品生产质量管理规范 |
WHO_TRS_957 Annex4 | WHO good manufacturing practices for sterile pharmaceutical products | WHO无菌制剂的药品生产质量管理规范 |
WHO_TRS_957 Annex5 | WHO good distribution practices for pharmaceutical products | WHO药品分销质量管理规范 |
WHO_TRS_957 Annex6 | Guidelines on the requalifi cation of prequalifi ed dossiers | 预认证文件的再认证指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_957 Annex7 | Guidelines for the preparation of a contract research organization master fi le | 制定合同研究机构主文档的指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex1 | Release procedure of International Chemical Reference Substances | 国际化学对照品的审批程序 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex2 | WHO good practices for pharmaceutical microbiology laboratories | WHO 药品微生物实验室质量管理规范 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex3 | WHO good manufacturing practices: main principles for pharmaceutical products | WHO 药品生产质量管理规范: 主要原则 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex4 | WHO good manufacturing practices for blood establishments (jointly with the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization) | WHO 血液机构生产质量管理规范的指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex5 | WHO guidelines on good manufacturing practices for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms | 非无菌药物制剂的加热、通风和空调系统的«药品生产质量管理规范» 补充指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex6 | WHO good manufacturing practices for sterile pharmaceutical products | WHO 无菌制剂的药品生产质量管理规范 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex7 | WHO guidelines on transfer of technology in pharmaceutical manufacturing | WHO 药品生产技术转移指南 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex8 | Good pharmacy practice: standards for quality of pharmacy services (joint FIP/WHO) | FIP/ WHO 关于«药房质量管理规范» 联合指导原则: 药房服务质量标准 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex9 | Model guidance for the storage and transport of time- and temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products (jointly with the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization) | 时间敏感和温度敏感药品储存运输指导规范 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex10 | Procedure for prequalifi cation of pharmaceutical products | 药品预认证程序 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex11 | Guidelines on submission of documentation for prequalifi cation of innovator finished pharmaceutical products approved by stringent regulatory authorities | 关于获得严格监管机构(SRA) 批准的新药制剂产品(FPP) 提交预认证审批文件的指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex12 | Prequalifi cation of quality control laboratories. Procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of quality control laboratories for use by United Nations agencies | 质量控制实验室预认证 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex13 | WHO guidelines for preparing a laboratory information file | WHO 关于编写实验室信息文件的指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex14 | WHO guidelines for drafting a site master fi le | WHO 关于起草生产场地主文件的指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_961 Annex15 | Guidelines on submission of documentation for a multisource (generic) finished product: general format: preparation of product dossiers in common technical document format | 提交多来源(仿制) 制剂成品文件的指导原则 |
WHO_TRS_970 Annex1 | Development of monographs for The International Pharmacopoeia | «国际药典» 质量标准的建立 |
WHO_TRS_970 Annex2 | WHO good manufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use | WHO 药品生产质量管理规范:制药用水 |
WHO_TRS_970 Annex3 | Pharmaceutical development of multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products - point to consider | 多来源药物制剂成品(仿制) 研发———要点 |
WHO_TRS_970 Annex4 | Guidelines on submission of documentation for a multisource (generic) finished pharmaceutical product for the WHO Prequalification of Medicines Programme:quality part | WHO 药品预认证项目多来源(仿制) 制剂成品申报资料提交指南: 质量部分 |
WHO_TRS_970 Annex5 | Development of paediatric medicines: points to consider in formulation | 儿科药物的研发: 制剂处方要点 |
WHO_TRS_970 Annex6 | Recommendations for quality requirements for artemisinin as a starting material in the
production of antimalarial active pharmaceutical ingredients | 青蒿素作为起始物料生产抗疟疾药活性成分时的推荐质量要求 |
WHO_TRS_981 Annex1 | Release procedure for International Chemical Reference Substances | |
WHO_TRS_981 Annex2 | WHO guidelines on quality risk management | |
WHO_TRS_981 Annex3 | WHO guidelines on variations to a prequalified product | |
WHO_TRS_981 Annex4 | Collaborative procedure between the World Health Organization Prequalification
of Medicines Programme and national medicines regulatory authorities
in the assessment and accelerated national registration of WHO‑prequalified
pharmaceutical products | |
WHO_TRS_986 Annex1 | The International Pharmacopoeia – Updating mechanism for the section on radiopharmaceuticals | |
WHO_TRS_986 Annex2 | WHO good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles | |
WHO_TRS_986 Annex3 | Model quality assurance system for procurement agencies | |
WHO_TRS_986 Annex4 | Assessment tool based on the model quality assurance system for procurement
agencies: aide‑memoire for inspection | |
WHO_TRS_986 Annex5 | Guidelines on submission of documentation for prequalification of finished
pharmaceutical products approved by stringent regulatory authorities | |
WHO_TRS_986 Annex6 | Guidelines on submission of documentation for a multisource (generic) finished
pharmaceutical product: quality part | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex1 | Procedure for the development of monographs and other texts for The International
Pharmacopoeia | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex2 | Updating mechanism for the section on radiopharmaceuticals in The International
Pharmacopoeia | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex3 | Guidelines on good manufacturing practices: validation, Appendix 7: non‑sterile
process validation | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex4 | General guidance on hold-time studies | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex5 | Technical supplements to Model guidance for the storage and transport of time- and
temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex6 | Recommendations for quality requirements when plant‑derived artemisinin is used as
a starting material in the production of antimalarial active pharmaceutical ingredients | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex7 | Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products: guidelines on registration
requirements to establish interchangeability | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex8 | Guidance on the selection of comparator pharmaceutical products for equivalence
assessment of interchangeable multisource (generic) products | |
WHO_TRS_992 Annex9 | Good review practices: guidelines for national and regional regulatory authorities | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex1 | Good pharmacopoeial practices | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex2 | FIP–WHO technical guidelines: Points to consider in the provision by
health-care professionals of children-specific preparations that are not available
as authorized products | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex3 | WHO good manufacturing practices for biological products | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex4 | Guidance on good manufacturing practices: inspection report | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex5 | Guidance on good data and record management practices | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex6 | Good trade and distribution practices for pharmaceutical starting materials | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex7 | Guidelines on the conduct of surveys of the quality of medicines | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex8 | Collaborative procedure between the World Health Organization (WHO)
Prequalification Team and national regulatory authorities in the assessment and
accelerated national registration of WHO-prequalified pharmaceutical products
and vaccines | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex9 | Guidance for organizations performing in vivo bioequivalence studies | |
WHO_TRS_996 Annex10 | WHO general guidance on variations to multisource pharmaceutical products | |
WHO_TRS_1003 Annex1 | WHO guidelines for selecting marker substances of herbal origin for quality control
of herbal medicines | |
WHO_TRS_1003 Annex2 | The International Pharmacopoeia: revised concepts and future perspectives | |
WHO_TRS_1003 Annex3 | Prequalification of quality control laboratories: procedure for assessing the acceptability,
in principle, of quality control laboratories for use by United Nations agencies | |
WHO_TRS_1003 Annex4 | WHO Global Model Regulatory Framework for Medical Devices including in vitro
diagnostic medical devices | |
WHO_TRS_1003 Annex5 | General background notes on the list of international comparator pharmaceutical
products | |
WHO_TRS_1003 Annex6 | Equilibrium solubility experiments for the purpose of classification of active
pharmaceutical ingredients according to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System,
as an appendix to the WHO guidelines on Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products:
guidelines on registration requirements to establish interchangeability (Annex 7,
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 992, 2015) | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex1 | WHO guidelines on good herbal processing practices for herbal medicines | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex2 | Guidelines on good manufacturing practices for the manufacture of herbal medicines | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex3 | Considerations for requesting analysis of medicines samples | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex4 | Model certificate of analysis | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex5 | WHO guidance on testing of “suspect” falsified medicines | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex6 | Good pharmacopoeial practices: Chapter on monographs for compounded preparations | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex7 | Good pharmacopoeial practices: Chapter on monographs on herbal medicines | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex8 | Guidelines on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for non-sterile
pharmaceutical products | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex9 | Guidance on good practices for desk assessment of compliance with good
manufacturing practices, good laboratory practices and good clinical practices for
medical products regulatory decisions | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex10 | Stability testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished pharmaceutical
products | |
WHO_TRS_1010 Annex11 | Collaborative procedure in the assessment and accelerated national registration of
pharmaceutical products and vaccines approved by stringent regulatory authorities | |
WHO_TRS_1019 Annex1 | Procedure for the development of World Health Organization medicines quality
assurance guidelines | |
WHO_TRS_1019 Annex2 | Guidelines on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for non-sterile
pharmaceutical products | |
| Part 2: Interpretation of Guidelines on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems
for non-sterile pharmaceutical products | |
WHO_TRS_1019 Annex3 | Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation | |
| Appendix 1 Validation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems | |
| Appendix 2 Validation of water systems for pharmaceutical use 136 | |
| Appendix 3 Cleaning validation | |
| Appendix 4 Analytical procedure validation | |
| Appendix 5 Validation of computerized systems | |
| Appendix 6 Guidelines on qualification | |
| Appendix 7 Non sterile process validation | |
WHO_TRS_1019 Annex4 | Protocol to conduct equilibrium solubility experiments for the purpose of Biopharmaceutics Classification System-based classification of active pharmaceutical
ingredients for biowaiver | |
WHO_TRS_1019 Annex5 | Guidelines on import procedures for medical products | |
WHO_TRS_1019 Annex6 | Good practices of national regulatory authorities in implementing the collaborative
registration procedures for medical products | |
| Appendix 1 An example of information to applicants for registration via the
WHO collaborative registration procedure | |
| Appendix 2 Verification for product submitted under the WHO
collaborative procedure | |
| Appendix 3 Abridged/abbreviated review for product submitted under the
WHO collaborative procedure | |
| Appendix 4 Additional information to be included in the screening checklist | |
| Appendix 5 Example of a national regulatory authority reliance model
approach: information, documentary evidence and assessment activity | |
| Appendix 6 Model acknowledgement or approval letter for variations of
products registered through the WHO collaborative procedure | |