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发表于 2021-11-24 11:14:08
3.2.17 laboratory informatics tools configuration, n-refers to the process of changing the functions of any laboratory informatics tool to match the business processes used in a particular laboratory, and it does not involve the use of writing software code either via a recognized software language or a language provided by the informaties application supplier.
3.2.17实验室信息学工具配置,n-是指改变任何实验室信息学工具的功能以匹配特定实验室使用的业务流程的过程,它不涉及通过公认的软件语言或信息协议应用程序供应商提供的语言编写软件代码。 Discussion- This is a GAMP Category 4 software and is defined as "Configured software including, LIMS, SCADA, DCS, CDS, etc." Such configuration typically involves using an interface provided by the vendor to enter information that describes the types of samples, analytical methods, specifications, and so forth, used in the laboratory. It may also involve the configuration of options and businesses rules within the tool.讨论-这是GAMP第4类软件,定义为“可配置的软件,包括LIMS、SCADA、DCS、CDS等”此类配置通常涉及使用供应商提供的界面输入描述实验室中使用的样本类型、分析方法、质量标准等信息。它还可能涉及工具中选项和业务规则的配置。
3.2.18 laboratory, informatics tools customization. n-refers to the process of changing the functions of any laboratory informatics tool to match the business processes used in a particular laboratory.
3.2.18实验室信息学工具定制。n-是指改变任何实验室信息学工具的功能以匹配特定实验室使用的业务流程的过程。 Discussion- This is different from the previously mentioned tools configuration in that customization involves writing software code either via a recognized software language or a language provided by the informatics application supplier. This is a GAMP 5 software category. Such customization typically involves adding tables, modifying table structures, and writing code or programs to alter the behavior of any laboratory informatics tool.讨论-这与之前提到的工具的配置不同,因为定制涉及通过公认的软件语言或信息学应用程序供应商提供的语言编写软件代码。这是GAMP 5软件类别。这种定制通常涉及添加表格、修改表格结构和编写代码或程序,以改变任何实验室信息学工具的行为。
3.2.19 laboratory information management system, LIMS, n-(1) computer software and hardware that can acquire, analyze, report, and manage data and information in the laboratory; (2) computer software that is used in the laboratory for the management of samples, test results, laboratory users, instruments, standards, and other laboratory functions such as invoicing, plate management, product/material stability programs, and work flow automation; and (3) a class of application software which handles storing and managing of information generated by laboratory processes.
3.2.19实验室信息管理系统,LIMS,n-(1)可以采集、分析、报告和管理实验室中数据和信息的计算机软件和硬件;(2)实验室中用于管理样品、检测结果、实验室用户、仪器、标准品、以及其他实验室功能,如开票、印版管理、产品/材料稳定性计划和工作流程自动化;以及 (3)一类用于存储和管理实验室流程生成的信息的应用软件。
3.2.19,1 Discussion--These systems are used to manage laboratory processes, including master data definition, sample management and chain of custody, work assignment, instrument and equipment management, standard and reagent management, scheduled sample collection and testing, result entry, capture of results from instruments, result review, reporting, trending, and business rule enforcement. These systems interface with laboratory instruments (for example, CDS and other information systems such as ERP, LIS, or manufacturing execution systems MES]). A LIMS is a highly flexible application, which can be configured or customized to facilitate a wide variety of laboratory workflow models.
3.2.20 laboratory information system, LIS, n class of application software that supports clinical laboratories by helping laboratory personnel manage the quality and integrity of test samples, departmental workflow functions, result review processes, reports of finalized results, interpretations, and diagnoses.
3.2.20实验室信息系统,LIS,n-通过帮助实验室人员管理检测样本的质量和完整性、部门工作流程功能、结果审查流程、最终结果报告、判读和诊断来支持临床实验室的一类应用软件。 Discussion-_These systems often interface with instruments and other information systems such as hospital information systems (HIS). A LIS is a highly configurable application and often includes laboratory-specific electronic medical records, direct clinician access via secure web connections, billing modules for laboratories performing commercial testing, sophisticated interface engines for routing orders and results to external systems, and on-board image archival systems for pathology images. Patient confidentiality and HIPAA requirements define unique security functionality for a LIS. The College of American Pathologists (CAP)
publishes LIS product guides?* that list current LIS in the market.讨论-_这些系统通常与仪器和其他信息系统(如医院信息系统[HIS])连接。LIS是一个高度可配置的应用程序,通常包括实验室特定的电子病历、临床医生通过安全的网络连接直接访问、用于执行商业测试的实验室的计费模块、用于向外部系统发送订单和结果的复杂接口引擎,以及用于病理图像的机载图像存档系统。患者机密性和HIPAA的要求定义了LIS的独特安全功能。美国病理学家协会(CAP)发布LIS产品指南,列出市场上当前LIS。
3.2.21 lean laboratory, n-set of management and organizational processes that enables efficient testing flow, leveled workloads, visual work assignment and tracking, and the elimination of waste.
3.2.21精益实验室,n-能够实现高效的检测流程、平衡的工作负荷、可视化的工作分配和跟踪以及废物清理的一组管理和组织流程。 Discussion-Lean laboratory designs yield productive, high-quality laboratory environments that are sometimes supported by laboratory informatics tools.讨论-精益实验室设计可产生高产、高质量的实验室环境,有时可通过实验室信息学工具提供支持。
3.2.22 mapping tools, n- graphical data mapping, conversion, and integration applications that map data between any combination of XML. database, flat file. EDI, Excel (OOXML), XBRL, or web service, or both, then transforms data or autogenerates data integration code for the execution of recurrent conversions.
3.2.22映射工具、n-图形数据映射、转换和在XML的任何组合之间映射数据的集成应用程序。数据库,flat文件。EDI,Excel(OOXML), XBRL或web服务,或两者兼而有之,然后转换数据或自动生成数据集成代码以执行定期转换。
3.2.23 master data, n- represents the business objects which are agreed on and shared across the enterprise.
3.2.23主数据,n-代表企业内部约定和共享的业务对象。 Discussion--It can include relatively static reference, transactional, unstructured, analytical, and hierarchical data, as well as associated metadata. Examples of master data include product specifications, test method steps (to capture intermediate and final results), laboratory calculations, instrument information, and standard and reagent information.讨论-它可以包括相对静态的参考、事务、非结构化、分析和分层数据,以及相关的元数据。主数据的示例包括产品质量标准、检测方法步骤(采集中间和最终结果)、实验室计算、仪器信息以及标准品和试剂信息。
3.2.24 metadata, n- (1) data about data and (2) information that describes another set of data.
3.2.24元数据,(1)关于数据的数据和(2)描述另一组数据的信息。 Discussion-_Additional information about the data that provides context and meaning, including how, when, and by whom it was collected, and its relationship to the subject or test. Metadata in any laboratory informatics tool's context typically includes all data that supports a test result that is recorded in this tool. For example, a pH test includes a pH result that can be supported by metadata, including what instrument was used, what the calibration date of the instrument was, what standard buffer solutions (reagents) were used to calibrate the pH probe sensor, the expiration dates for the standard solutions, and the temperature of the solution at time of measurement.讨论-_提供背景和意义的其他数据信息,包括如何、何时、由谁收集以及与受试者或试验的关系。任何实验室信息学工具上下文中的元数据通常包括支持该工具中记录的测试结果的所有数据。例如,pH检测包括元数据支持的pH结果,包括使用的仪器、仪器的校准日期、用于校准pH探针传感器的标准缓冲溶液(试剂)、标准品溶液的失效日期,和测量时溶液的温度。
3.2.25 sample registration, n- -process of recording incoming sample information in a given laboratory informatics tool.
3.2.26 scientific data management system, SDMS, n- computer system used to capture, centrally store, catalog, and manage data generated in a laboratory environment.
3.2.26科学数据管理系统,SDMS,n-计算机系统,用于采集、集中存储、编目和管理实验室环境中生成的数据。 Discussion--These data are then available for reuse and integration with other laboratory informatics systems. An example of an SDMS is an electronic repository for reports from laboratory informatics systems. The SDMS may include raw data file storage and archiving of data, It may also provide e-signature functionality for review/approval.讨论-这些数据可重复使用,并与其他实验室信息系统整合。SDMS的一个例子是实验室信息学系统报告的电子存储库。SDMS可包括原始数据文件存储和数据存档,还可提供电子签名功能以供审查/批准。
3.2.27 spectroscopic data systems, n computer systems used to collect, process, visualize, interpret, store, and report information from spectroscopic instruments.