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Certification of Substances Division FML/CB PUBLIC DOCUMENT (LEVEL 1) English only/Anglais seulement PA/PH/CEP (14) 06, 1 R Strasbourg, September 2016 Certification of suitability to Monographsof the European Pharmacopoeia CEP程序 Use of a CEP to describe a material used inan application for another CEP 在一个CEP申报中引用另一个CEP的物料 Address: 7 Allée Kastner, CS 30026 F-67081Strasbourg (France) Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 41 30 30 Fax: +33 (0) 3 88 41 27 71
1. Introduction 概述 A material which is the subject of a CEP (hereafter CEP X) may be usedin the synthesis of a substance for which a separate CEP is requested(hereafter CEP Y) and may be an intermediate or a starting material in theprocess described for CEP Y. ICH Q11 includes information on the selection ofstarting materials and should provide the basis for the decision andjustification of whether the material covered by CEP X is a starting materialor an intermediate. 一个CEP(以下称为CEP X)所描述的产品可以被另一个单独的CEP(以下称为CEP Y)引用作为其合成中使用的物质,也可以作为CEP Y所支持产品的一个中间体或起始物料。ICH Q11中给出了关于起始物料选择的信息,为CEP X所涵盖的物料是起始物料还是中间体提供了决策和论证依据。 This document describes the practical aspects of a CEP submission whereanother CEP is referenced. 本文件描述的是引用另一个CEP的CEP申报中的实际问题。 The use of CEP X in CEP Y is based on the fact that the manufacturingprocess and controls described in the application for CEP X have been assessedbefore CEP X was granted. 在CEPY中使用CEP X是基于CEPX申报中所描述的生产工艺和控制已经在CEP X颁发之前经过了评审的事实。 The applicant should make clear in the application whether thesubstance covered by the referenced CEP X is actually an intermediate in themanufacture of the substance covered by the new CEP Y or is a startingmaterial. 申报者应在申报中清楚说明其所引用的CEP X涵盖的物质在新的CEP Y所涵盖物质的生产中是中间体还是起始物料。