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【FDA警告信】 320-18-30 韩国Cosmecca Korea Co.,Ltd.

发表于 2018-12-4 21:50:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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韩国Cosmecca Korea Co.,Ltd.
1.    Your firmfailed to have, for each batch of drug product, appropriate laboratorydetermination of satisfactory conformance to final specifications for the drugproduct, including the identity and strength of each active ingredient, priorto release (21 CFR 211.165(a)). 你们公司对每批药品进行适当的化验室测试,确保其在放行之前符合药品的最终标准,包括每种活性成分的鉴别和剂量(21 CFR 211.165(a))。
You released over-the-counter(OTC) (b)(4) drug products without data to support their conformance tospecifications (e.g., strength). During our investigator’s review of batchrecords for five of your OTC products, you could not provide analytical data tosupport the release of these products. One of your lab personnel also statedthat you did not test every lot of finished products prior to release.
2.    Your firmfailed to ensure that laboratory records included complete data derived fromall tests necessary to assure compliance with established specifications andstandards (21 CFR 211.194(a)). 你们公司未能确保化验室记录中包括所有必须测试中所生成的完整数据,这些测试是为了确保产品符合其既定标准(21 CFR 211.194(a))。
Our investigator documentedmultiple examples of falsifying laboratory records. Your quality controllaboratory employee stated that he fabricated laboratory data for untestedfinished drug products by manipulating electronic laboratory records. Forexample, he changed the file names for test results of previously tested drugsso that the file names appeared to reflect the results of other lots ofproduct. Your firm used this falsified laboratory data to determine thestrength of your OTC (b)(4) drug products. Your response stated thatyour quality assurance manager instructed laboratory analysts to manipulate,falsify, or fabricate data.
我们的调查人员记录下了多个伪造化验室记录的例子。你们的QC实验室员工说他通过捏造电子实验记录为未曾检测的药品伪造实验室数据。例如,他改变了之前检测过的药品的检测结果的文件名,这样该文件名看起来反映的是另一些批准药品的结果。你们公司使用这些伪造的化验室数据来决定你们OTC XX药品的剂量。你们在回复中声称说你们的QA经理指示化验员捏造、伪造或虚构数据。
3.    Your firm’squality control unit failed to review and approve all drug product productionand control records to determine compliance with all established, approvedwritten procedures before a batch is released or distributed (21 CFR 211.192). 你们公司的质量控制部门未能审核和批准所有药品生产和检测记录来确定产品在放行或销售之前是否符合所有既定的经批准的书面程序(21 CFR 211.192)。
Your OTC sunscreen drugproduct, (b)(4), contains (b)(4) active ingredients: (b)(4).Your batch records for lot (b)(4) of this product included concentrationvalues for these active ingredients that did not match the data found in yourinstruments. You used the inaccurate data reported in your batch records tocalculate potency results that were within specification, and you relied onthese inaccurate results to release your product. However, when we used theinstrument data instead of the results in your batch records to perform thesame calculations, we found that the lot was out-of-specification (OOS)(superpotent) for (b)(4) active ingredients. Your quality unit did notidentify this discrepancy prior to releasing this lot.
4.    Your firmfailed to exercise appropriate controls over computer or related systems toassure that only authorized personnel institute changes in master productionand control records, or other records (21 CFR 211.68(b)). 你公司未能对计算机和相关系统执行恰当的控制以确保只有经过授权的人员才可以修改主生产和检测记录以及其它记录(21 CFR211.68(b))。
Laboratory equipment used togenerate analytical data for release purposes lacked restricted access. Forexample, analysts shared usernames and passwords, and all users hadadministrator rights that permitted them to delete or modify files inhigh-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography equipment.You had no mechanism to facilitate traceability of the individuals who changed,adjusted, or modified data generated by computerized systems.
5.    Your firm failed toestablish laboratory controls that include scientifically sound and appropriatespecifications, standards, sampling plans, and test procedures designed toassure that components, drug product containers, closures, in-processmaterials, labeling, and drug products conform to appropriate standards ofidentity, strength, quality, and purity (21 CFR 211.160(b)). 你们公司未能建立化验室控制来包括科学合理和恰当的规范、标准、取样计划和检测方法,设计用以确保成分、药品容器、密闭器、中间体、标签和药品符合恰当的鉴定、含量、质量和纯度标准(21 CFR211.160(b))。
Our investigator found thatyou failed to test incoming active pharmaceutical ingredients used tomanufacture finished products for the United States using the U.S. Pharmacopeia(USP). Your specifications allow a higher level of impurities, such as (b)(4)and (b)(4), than the limits established by USP.
CGMP Consultant Recommended CGMP顾问建议
Based upon the nature of theviolations we identified at your firm, we strongly recommend engaging aconsultant qualified as set forth in 21 CFR 211.34 to assist your firm inmeeting CGMP requirements.
Your use of a consultant doesnot relieve your firm’s obligation to comply with CGMP. Your firm’s executivemanagement remains responsible for fully resolving all deficiencies andensuring ongoing CGMP compliance.

本文摘自 OurGMP


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