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What is Technology Transfer?
在WHO指南,技术转移Tech-Transfer有如下定义: “ Transfer of technology is defined as a logical procedure that controls the transfer of any process together with its documentation and professional expertise between development and manufacture or between manufacture sites”
同样在ISPE指南中,技术转移Tech-Transfer的定义是: ”The goal of technology transfer activities is to transfer product and process knowledge between development and manufacturing, and within or between manufacturing sites to achieve product realization. This knowledge forms the basis for the manufacturing process, control strategy, process validation approach, and ongoing continual improvement“
比较两份指南的定义,我们可以看出两者的共同点以及各自的关注点。 首先共同点都提及到技术转移是”从工厂A到工厂B“的一个过程,工厂A可以是研发,也可以是生产工厂;可以是工厂自己内部转移,也可以工厂与工厂间的转移。
而各自不同的关注点上,WHO认为技术转移是个有逻辑的流程Logical Procedure, 用来控制整个转移过程中的两个关键因素(文件以及专业知识);而ISPE关注点除了提及工艺和产品的知识之外,还提出了技术转移的最终目标是完成产品实现(product realization)
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What are the criteria of successful Tech-Transfer?
WHO:Successful if there is documented evidence that the Receving Unit(RU) can routinely reproduce the transferred product, process or method against a predefined set of specifications as agreed with the Sending Unit(SU).
ISPE:Technologytransfer is considered successful if the receiving unit can robustly producematerial through the qualified process and demonstrate that key quality attributes have been maintained through analysis of the material produced.