发表于 2012-4-25 18:11:21
Steam Quality Testing has been an EU requirement for many years (EN 285) and has been adopted by many other countries and the world's pharmaceutical environment. The SVMS SQ-Pro Steam Quality Test Kit range was developed to enable our own engineers to provide reliable and efficient testing without the need for bulky or difficult to use equipment.
Option D kit provides all the components required to perform Steam Quality Tests and Clean Steam Sampling. Engineers can arrive on site without the need to carry additional components or tools. The Steam Quality Test apparatus incorporates measurement of Non-Condensable gases, Dryness Value and Superheat. The cleanliness of steam (Clean/Pure Steam) was recommended to be adopted in the UK NHS by Health Technical Memorandum 2031 and in the European Union by EN 285. These documents provide limits for chemical impurities. HTM 2031 also provides a limit for the level of Bacterial Endotoxins (Pyrogens).
In order to collect steam condensate for analysis of Bacterial Endotoxins, all the components that come into contact with the sampled steam require depyrogenation in an oven. The SVMS Clean Steam condenser (Sanitary Cooler) was designed specifically for this purpose. SQ-Pro Steam Quality Test kits are robust, efficient, comprehensive, self-contained, convenient, easy to use and deliver repeatable results. Use of the SQ-Pro kit helps guarantee meeting your requirements quickly and easily.