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GDP: Is Temperature Control required for each Transport?
The EU Good Distribution Practice (GDP) Guidelines (2013/C 343/01) revised in 2013 reflect the requirements and expectations of the authorities during the transport and distribution of medicinal products in a very detailed way. Nevertheless, there are still questions and insecurities.
Especially questions on temperature control during transport are recurring. This question is examined in detail in a corresponding questions and answers paper of the German ZLG (Zentralstelle der Länder für Gesundheitsschutz bei Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten/ Central Authority of the German Federal Länder for Health Protection Regarding Medicinal Products and Medical Devices) (in German language).
Here, it is stated that a temperature control is not required for each transport:
"If no constant monitoring of temperature is carried out during the transport of medicinal products a risk assessment must be made of the transportation routes. This includes especially the travel duration including special aspects of the route, the time of year and day, including the weather forecast, the vehicles used and their equipment. The results of this risk assessment have to be part of the transportation planning."
But at the same time this means that monitoring has to be done if no risk assessment was carried out or if the risk assessment led to the result that a temperature control is necessary.
According to the ZLG document a lot of things have to be considered when carrying out the risk assessment:
• The mean kinetic temperature (MKT) cannot be used. The reason is that it does not take into consideration effects "that may lead to irreversible quality defects even when certain temperature limits that are established during stability studies in connection with the marketing authorisation are exceeded only for a short time. And it does not take into consideration the possible formation of fissures in the glass of ampoules and injection bottles at temperatures around the freezing point. Furthermore, calculation of the MKT requires that the temperature profiles of all transports are known that have been carried out previously. But usually this data is not available ...."
• 不能使用平均动力学温度(MKT)。理由是它没有考虑到影响“可能会引起不可逆的质量缺陷,即使在稳定性研究期间已建立了与上市许可相关联的特定温度限度只是超出了很短的时间。它没有考虑在冷冻点上下的温度可能会使得安瓿和注射用瓶的玻璃产生龟裂。另外,MKT计算需要知道之前已实施的所有运输过程中的温度概况。但通常这些数据是无法获得的……”
• In order to assess deviations "appropriate procedures" must be established.
• 为了评估偏差,必须建立“适当的程序”
• Storage conditions must generally be respected also during transportation. "Only in cases that according to the packaging or the confirmed written information given by the manufacturer, the pharmaceutical entrepreneur or the marketing authorisation holder. a transport within the aforementioned temperature range will not reduce the quality" this temperature range can be handled more generously. It has been demonstrated for example "in connection with the marketing authorisation of medicinal products on the labelling of which only storage between +2 and +8 °C is indicated that they remain sufficiently stable even if the temperature rises up to +25 °C for a short time."
• 在运输过程中必须遵守存贮条件。“只有当根据生产商、药品企业或上市许可持有人提供的包装或确认的书面信息,在上述温度范围内的运输将不会降低质量”,这样的温度范围才可能更灵活。例如,已证明“与药品上市许可相关的标签说明只能存贮在+2到+8 °C,即使温度在短时间内高至 +25 °C其质量仍保持足够稳定。