发表于 2017-10-30 14:49:59
1、针对于highly hazardous products,HBEL一般使用PDE;
2、针对于non-highly hazardous products,并且在特定条件下(but only at designated circumstances. This means the products should have a favourable therapeutic index (safety window) and the pharmacological activity would be the most sensitive/critical effect. ),HBEL可以使用1/1000 dose;
(参见:https://www.gmp-compliance.org/gmp-news/ema-publishes-q-a-on-health-based-exposure-limits-does-the-1-1000-dose-criterion-come-again-into-play-in-cleaning-validation)。但是针对于这一点,好像是有争议的,你可以参考一下2017年6月EMA举行了一个会议,我有分享过这个资料https://www.ouryao.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=392520&highlight=hbel,同时在ISPE pharmaceutical engineering最新的2017年11月-12月刊中也有提到(见附件)
3、针对于基因毒性的物质(For genotoxic active substances for which there is no discernible threshold, it is considered that any level of exposure carries a risk. );
针对于in the case of residual active substances without a threshold, a limit dose of 1.5 μg/person/day may be applied(即TTC);
针对于For genotoxic active substances where sufficient carcinogenicity data exists, compound-specific risk assessments to derive acceptable intakes should be applied instead of the TTC - based acceptable intake approach;
针对于For genotoxic pharmaceutical substances with sufficient evidence of a threshold related mechanism, safe exposure levels without appreciable risk of genotoxicity can be established by using the PDE approach.
4、同时针对于Therapeutic macromolecules and peptides,由于其在极端条件下失活,所以In view of this, the determination of health based exposure limits using PDE limits of the active and intact product may not be required 。还有针对于biotechnology active and product(如上一个回复的一样),因为If the most critical effect identified to determine a health -based exposure limit is based on pharmacological and/or toxicological effects observed in humans rather than animals, the use of the PDE formula may be inappropriate and a substance -specific assessment of the clinical data may be used for this purpose. (那么针对于这种情况下的又HBEL如何计算呢?????)
(注:没有标准出处的均选自:《Guideline on setting health based exposure limits for use in risk identification in the manufa cture of different medicinal products in shared facilities 》)
反正对于这个问题,还是比较懵懂,不知道论坛有没有哪个老师有理解到???@叶非 @仁者心动 @windy